
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

WIWTG: Clontarf Shuffle

The Clontarf Shuffle is set to be a great event for gambling. I have a weird relationship with the casino, in that I can almost guarantee my friends will be in there, but I ritualistically have terrible luck. So I don’t really play casino games. Occasionally, over the years, Tao has managed to get me to turn some cards or another, but the amount of times I've said that it’s not for me, far out weighs his successes. 

So why do I want to go? Well I miss my people, and as I’ve already said it’s easy to find them in a casino. The games are set up to be novice friendly, in that you don’t have to gamble with your own gold, gold isn’t stealable, and there are newbie tournaments for certain games. 

There is the promise of delectable foods. And I love a good tasty treat. 

There is a raffle, where the proceeds will go to a charity aimed at bringing relief for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. 

I’ve heard whisper of a magic cloak. 

And it’s a great opportunity to update your spell book in the pseudo safety of a casino, as the new rules have been released.  

Basically I think the Clontarf shuffle is a good time to play some cards with some people you may have missed while you were away, and why would you skip out on that opportunity? 

I’ll see you at the table,

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn