
Friday, May 20, 2022

Regionals from Divine Intervention II

At Divine Intervention II, the players started with access to only Rexan regional magic, which was... unsuitable, perhaps, for guaranteeing their success. As they built and consecrated temples in the War Camp, however, they had the opportunity to gain access to regional magic from other gods and goddesses. They were able to write this regional magic themselves. Some of those regional paths appear below.


1. Aurora's Light- Un-distruptable Light

2. Aurora's Protection- Aura of protection as per the spell but works with mega poison, if hit with mega poison the spell ends and cannot be recharged

3.  Aurora's Sacrifice- VC "Sacrifice" allows the caster to take any and all wounds upon themself from another recipient up to and including rendered soulless

4. Aurora's Last Hope- Divine aid as per the spell but will always be to Aurora, VC "Divine aid to Aurora"

5. Purity to Megapoison- Purity as per the spell but with Megapoison

6. Circle of Faith- Allows the caster to create a circle of healing with the spell combat raise dead within it. 

The Fae Courts

1.  Moth-Rider Contract - 1 use magic missle
2.  Selfish heal limb - 3 word verbal, self only heal limb
3. Fae Task - Order a lesser fae to complete a task, they must do it to the best of their ability
4.  Iron Will - Immune to any mind altering effects. Must be wearing heraldry of the True Court. A true member of the court cannot be swayed from their path.
5. Courtly Gift - Make a gift/sacrifice to the Tuatha de Danann, and they shall respond in kind to your gift.
6. Not There - Surprise! You were really a changeling the whole time! At any point, you can activate Not There and return to the tavern unharmed, even if dead or soulless.


1. Tools of War- Items actively wielded are unbreakable
2.  Hymn of Restoration- Repair Armor with a 20 word verbal instead of tippity tapping
3.  Inspire the Troops- perform a grand speech for 5 minutes, and afterwards all listeners gain 1 call of "Resist Death"
4. Wrath of Solarus- 10 second rage
5. Back to the Fray- 30 words, cures anything front with you, raises you, and repairs your armor
6. Bring Peace through War- kneel 30 sec out of combat, 1 swing of Armor Piercing

Dionin's Regionals

1. Bleed Aspis - 1 use - render 1 Aspis soulless to regain 1 casting of a 1st or second circle spell. If taken in a higher circle slot, you may regain 1 casting of a spell up to 1 circle higher. Cannot recharge 6th circle spells.

2. Ultra Mega Poison - 1 use, prep with 5 wipes - Call ULTRA MEGA POISON on your next swing. It probably will not do anything, but you get a cooler combat call than the Aspis. Take THAT, Rexan!

3.  <missing>

4. Aspis Go Boom - this spell is like Magic Missile, but against Aspis . . . and other things. It's actually just the spell Magic Missile. Look, it fits the theme. Deal with it.

5. Dionin's Hand Manifest - 3 uses, 20 words - you may render soulless or break objects with similar blows 10x faster than normal. The spell ends if you go 30 seconds without striking a rendering or breaking blow. If you render at least 1 creature soulless while the spell is active, your weapon becomes charged. After the spell ends, the next swing of the charges weapon calls Disenchant.

6. Last Stand of the Death God - 1 use, 30 words - Cast this spell on yourself or another. Once the target becomes the only living creature they can see (look around), they gain a 30 second forced regeneration and must attack living things at all times. They may choose to first target enemies if they are available, but will attack allies if they are not. This spell can only be ended by rendering the target soulless or Disenchant. 

1 - Pas, But It Works
It's Pas, but it works.

2 - Darning
Infinite repair armor, but you have to be sitting and 10 feet from weapons. A second learning lets you do two locations simultaneously.

3 - Stories Around the Fire
Better CoP, stays up for as long as the caster is telling a story (idk why we proposed this with unlimited uses... Cressida could keep a circle up forever)

4 - Raise Bread
Potion of Combat Raise Dead, but the MC is food and the effect triggers when the target finishes eating.

5 - Mystic Kitchen
Like Circle of Healing/Mystic Forge but can be charged with any Vesta Regional 5th circle or below

6 - Get Home Safely
Basically Second Chance that you cast on another person rather than yourself. Also it doesn't force you to drop stealable things or raise you afterwards.