
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Rumors for May 1022


Though it’s a dangerous place, the route through Darkvale has been a profitable one for the more daring merchants of the Realms. The Aspis need new pots and shields and looms just like anyone else and evil creatures’ gold spends just as well as any other. In towns near the Darkvale border, however, lodgings are more full than normal. Merchant caravans have been rebuffed at the border for the last few days. Whispers in the tavern halls speak of large gatherings of the snake people around border checkpoints, armed and irritable. Some say they caught sight of a giant humanoid wearing a gold headdress, shouting orders.


Construction site northeast of Chimeron City: progress has slowed to a near-halt as workpower is diverted to the war effort in the western part of the kingdom. A few families of laborers–folks who fled east specifically to avoid the imminent conflict–remain at the worksite tending to some of the smaller jobs. 


War’s a-brewin’.


The relocated farmers are settling in well, Jerrickiv Jerrickson of Jerrick Farms claiming the generosity of the Realms is helping them get some of the creature comforts they need.  He's also gifting every family with several chickens.  


Said relocated farmers are a little bit on edge being so close to the Silverglade Forest, one of the more dangerous places in Stonewood, but also because of elemental surges as Teng Huanise spirits have been clashing, excited by the activity.


Construction on the Loken-Swift Library in Starhaven has been paused as attention is needed elsewhere in preparation for war.  Several siege weapons have been constructed and brought to the Southern border.


Some of the citizens of Starhaven are growing nervous with the shift of some leadership in the city, with new laws and edicts coming into effect. In seedy bars and alleyways, hushed conversations are had, questioning the phrase "There will be Peace." 


Thousands of undead have been seen gathering at the southern border near Starhaven. For those looking on they say that the whole group looks like they are dressed for war. Some even say that they saw Lord Sir Elwin barking commands at the front lines.


In a flash the entirety of Starhaven seems to have gone through a transformation just after the gathering at Clontarf. Citizens have stated that the entirety of the city has been refreshed and made new. A new light seems to shine across the whole city.


The town of New Hope has seen even more people moving into the area and it appears that nearly all of the undead in the surrounding area has been driven out.