
Friday, May 6, 2022

Why (we) Want to Go - Divine Intervention 2

We asked several people going to Divine Intervention II why they were excited to go. Below are their collected responses:


Why I want to go

I want go to DI2 to see lots of friends **in person**-- it's literally been years for many, never-ever for others. I want to stab NPCs in big group battles and quest to save (this corner of) the world!! I want the camaraderie of working as a team to win the hour, manage resources for the next battle and overcome whatever gets thrown at us. I can't wait for all of those silly snake puns. 

I'm looking forward to telling and listening to tall tales in the tavern, and I can't wait to see folks' newly crafted stuff, and trade ideas and techniques. 

--Amber Fox (Lady Tarnisha of Chimeron)


Why I Want to Go:

I was at the War of Shadows, and I saw how it affected many of us, in ways large and small. At the time, it felt like an event that brought together innumerable older threads and stories in the Realms. Now, a decade later, I have watched the progression of many of the stories that I expect to be involved. I still have no idea what will happen, and I am excited to stand with my friends and help them try to accomplish goals and right wrongs that have been weighing on some of them since even before that day in Darkvale. For Chimeron! For the Realms!

- Rosetta/Eric


When I left the Realms around 2012 for personal reasons I never expected to be returning. However, on my wedding day, James Swift/Tim Suitor reached out to me and asked if I was the same person that played Chan Ottokar years ago. He told me of the upcoming battle, and shared with me the link to the event on Realmsnet. Between a call to arms by a fellow member of the Knights of the Crown, to Justari offering aid to this cause, and lastly a chance to reclaim the lands of Darkvale once and for all, this event checked all of the boxes for me. Since then I have spent countless hours chatting with folks on Discord, meeting new people, crafting, and reconnecting with friends I haven't talk to in years. I am beyond excited for the event, the plot, and chance to see people I haven't seen in years.

-Alex Taylor/Chan Ottokar


Why do I want to go to DI2? Well, back in the beginning I made some mistakes and there was a cost. We all did. Darkvale's loss was the price of all our errors. Sir Adyan and others I don't even remember were rendered soulless as the price of losing to the Aspis champion. A young hero of Darkvale never returned from Darkvale, and a lot of common folk neither. It's a rare opportunity to right a wrong a quarter century gone by. When that chance comes up, what are you going to do, wait another 25 years? I'm going. 

- Baron Diamond Banecroft [Dan Diamond]


Why I want to go:
A favor has been called in, and I stand by my oaths.  I will bring Peace to Darkvale, through War if need be.  Rexan's cruelty has lasted long enough, and this weekend we are gifted the opportunity to right old wrongs. The time is come.  

James Swift.  Tim Suitor


Why I Want to Go To DI2:

IC: I have not been adventuring long, but in this short time I have found friends and allies within Chimeron, including, of course, Ser Kovaks, one of the people leading the charge. I do not know much about the gods or their conflicts, but Rexan is purportedly controlling innocents and taking land, lives, and friends from people I’ve grown to care about. I may be new to this, but I’ve known what I’ve stood for a good long while, and I’m going to do what I can to stop this while I have allies by my side and steel in my hands.

~ Fern Eberhardt - Chimeron Militia 

OOC: I also haven’t been adventuring long! My first event was Black & White 2021, but in that short time I’ve become very interested in the Realms. I even made posters for this event! I’ve just finished up my senior year of college, and I am loving the idea of some time off from being a student. This will be my first big questing event, my first opportunity this year to go camping, and hopefully a fun (if not a little tiring) time with friends. 

~ Kelly Perfetto


“I want to go because I for see a lot of players first ‘moments’ happening in the game, the rise, the fall, and the clash of bamboo. I want to witness the stories they’ll tell the newbies yet to be.”

- Keith/Saegan


“It has certainly been some time since I set foot on a field of battle in the mortal world. Nevertheless, I gladly return from the depths of the Fey Wood to see this story which was begun long before I arrived in these lands take its next steps.”

- Hillary/Tara


Rexan has held Darkvale for so long that there is a good chance the hero who will kill him was born after the occupation began. It is time to regain Darkvale for Chimeron and put the final nail in the coffin of the master of snakes and lies.

We fight for the peasants who have been transformed. We fight for the Aspis, that they might be made free from Rexan's control. We fight to put to rights a battle lost 25 years ago by the heroes of another generation.

We need every sword we can muster for this battle on both the main and Western flanks. Will you join us?

-King Alexander Cecil/Matt Brenner


I want to go because this is the sort of event where stories are made. It's an opportunity to go be a part of genuine heroics that we'll be talking about around the fire for years to come. 

-DelHemar / Ken Belsito


Usually, the event staff prep for months in advance. When the PCs have been given reason to believe that same prep on our end will be worthwhile, you know the payoff is going to be good. As someone who love to dig into the plot and lore, I look forward to seeing all the pieces come together, all with a lot of snake bonking!

- Yppn/Kersten


I want to go to Divine Intervention II because it’s an amazing plot with deep lore ties, some even consider this plot to be core Southern Realms lore. This is potentially the ending of a decades long arc of reclaiming Darkvale. Additionally we have the opportunity to do something that almost never happens in Realms and that is to finally kill an evil god who has plagued the realms for decades. Win or lose this high stakes event will be a long lasting memory in us all and will be told in stories for decades to come.

- Stephen Sanford/ Laika en’Naur  


For the past several weeks, I have been watching people get really excited about a big plot. It's been a long while since I've seen folks so riled up and overpreparing for an event because they are just that hyped, and I am excited to be a very small part of it.

- Sara/Zarine


First off, we'll be running around in the woods and fields for a weekend doing silly stuff, which itself is great.

Second, the event staff are smart, creative, and great at what they do and I'm confident that they will be presenting us with plenty of unique challenges and a lot of fun.

Finally, big story events of this nature don't happen very often in our game. This will (probably) be the culmination of many real-time years of player choices and storytelling across many, many events. The several dozen of us players are wicked excited, and I hope our significantly outnumbered staff are, too!



To avoid letting my friends get eaten by snakes, because Kovaks "asked" me to help 😉, and because while morally opposed, the outcome of the god war does effect me as an Auroran. And so I want to be there when it happens, regardless of what "it" is. And if I need to stop people from doing the unspeakable, I'll be there for that too.

- Margaret August / Bri


I want to go because this will be my first time managing plot for such a large-scale event! I’m very nervous and very excited!

- John/Gordon


I want to kill.

Rexan commands, and it is electrict to obey. I want to see bodies dropped, I wanna see hands raised. I want to see the look of indignation etched on the rigor mortis when they are fooled. And when I see it again... anger is a wine. It ripens with age. And it has been ages for Rexan's anger to steep.

A hiding rat is the hardest to hunt, and oh, what divine malevolence has engineered such connivence, that all who bear ill to my god and I, arranged in a colorful bouquets at my doorstep. What bliss lies in the blind, to swing with neither compassion nor care, knowing that the slithering thought guides every swing, directs every road? 

There are no puzzles, no plots, not for the Apsis, not for the guided. Just the war. Just action. Just the perfect plan, and the perfect victory.  Is anything easier, anything more exciting than to slay your enemies under the glittering banner of the greatest of the gods?

And  hey, it's for a good cause. ;)

- Ethan Goldman (who, to be clear, is NPCing)


IC: I want to go to help save Darkvale, if it can be saved, as dear friends have asked for assistance and knowing who and what I am they accept my help and support. No one should be left to be persecuted and/or mind controlled by any power.

OoC: Need to see peoples I haven't seen in YEARS.

MJ Rodriguez / Liana


IC: A favor was turned in and with it I lifted a sword for the cause. We march to Darkvale with an army at our backs and a monumental fight ahead of us. For weeks we have been preparing for the battle to come. Many of us have pooled our resources together and cast our spells to see what was to come in our upcoming fight. The forges have been burning hot for weeks to produce new weapons for the battle and with only a short while left before we cross the border we are finishing up our last preparations. I wish I could say this was our first war but it seems like we only see very short times of peace. May Solarus aid us for our best outcome and if that is not possible let Soren guide my hand.

OOC: Hey, so there are a bunch of cool people going to the event. It seems to be one heck of a diverse group and I am all here for it. We have a group of us oldbies who are dusting off the cobwebs and getting back to it and we also have a whole bunch of newbies, and that is awesome. Over all there has been a ton of planning on the player side of things and it is amazing that the event holders were super cool with making this event have life outside of the three days it will be run. I always appreciate that. Overall it is going to be a crazy fun time and it will be a great kick off to the new season. Sure we have had a couple events before but this is our first three day and boy oh boy is it going to be a good one. I look forward to what the EH’s have planned and to see how they will tell their story. I hope to see many folks there and can’t wait to have a fantastic weekend.

- Travis/Elwin


"No <kidding>, there I was..."

You hear these words, and your ears probably perk up a little. You know that a story is going to follow, and with any luck it will be a good story, full of drama and action. You've heard lots of these stories, and they carry names of great enemies long defeated like Bedlam, Zermarx, Kal kre Bain, and The Erl King. If you've heard these stories and wanted to make a few of your own, allow me to plant a name in your mind: Rexan. 

If you have said "I hope they tell stories about me one day". If you have thought, "I wonder what memorable adventures I will get to go on?" If you have ever complained, "The Realms isn't as epic as it used to be." Then may I encourage you to attend Divine Intervention 2. This is going to be a war. A real war. Not one of those war-tournaments that we're used to. I mean a war where good fights against evil and there is land to be gained and everything else that a war should entail.

Did I mention that this war has the potential to be the culmination of a 25 year-old threat to the Realms, the Aspis? Not even Bedlam was around that long! Oh yeah. And then there's the fact that we're going to go kill a god. How often do you get to be a part of that?

Sound like fun but too risky? Fear not! Turns out, wonderful stories are written from the Western Flank as well. If you're on the front lines, back lines, or western flank, you will come out of this war with stories that you will be telling for years to come.

And isn't that what being a hero is all about?

Becky "Kovaks" Baron