
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Why I Want to Go - Fire from the Sky: A Comet Falls

by Adam "Tulkhan" Blaisdell

Once again the call has been sounded, once again evil rises, and once again heros are needed. Evil comes to Stonewood again this time falling from the sky. Cultists plot and scheme to, drawning from its power. Who are we not to come to aid? Do we not call our selves "Heroes of the Realms?" 

I choose to face this threat. To defend those who can not defend themselves. To carve my way through the threat before use, less it do the same to the Realms. I understand if you wish to turn away, or if you can not risk to fight this fight. But I also know that some will stand by my side. Some will pick up sword or shield or bow. And many will choose to heed the cry for help. Be it for glory, honor, or simply because it is what we must do to call ourselves heroes. 

So I ask: 

Will you stand at my side? 

Will you face yet another threat? 

Will you answer the call once more? 

OOC: I have enjoyed every Stonewood event I have been to. Each time from when I arrive till when I crawl my way off the battlefield I feel immersed. There is always something to fight, not many chances to rest, and a lore that keeps you wanting to learn more. Even if it is for a few hours I know that I will enjoy every moment and feel as though I'm truly fighting the forces of evil. It will be a tiring, possibly chracter threatening, and my muscles will hate me at work on Monday. But it will be 100 percent worth it.