
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Announcement: The ReCAPP Project

The Realms Comprehensive Active Photography Project

Hello everyone.

I’d like to announce a Rhiassa-sponsored initiative that is pretty "focused" in scope. Named above, the ReCAPP project is all about making sure that every Realms event has photographs taken at it and that those photographs end up available to everyone by having them a part of the official Realms Facebook page. It’s also about providing some compensation to the people who work hard to keep that visual record going. Let's give it a "shot", shall we?

We’re going try to keep this simple and easy to manage.

There are lots of people who carry their phones with them for the entire event and sometimes take some pictures. There are a few people who go a couple steps beyond that and have a nice camera that they use to capture event photos. Hopefully this project inspires more of both categories.

Here’s the idea. 

Step 1: Everyone who wants to take pictures at an event may actively participate in this project. Just bring that camera or take out that phone and snap those pictures. Honestly the more people the better because different viewpoints happening around the entire event is extremely valuable. Your personal goal is to collect at least 50 pictures that you think are worth sharing.

Step 2: Upload those photos to the correct album on the Realms Facebook group. We’ll try to have a folder ready to go ahead of time with the correct naming convention on it to keep us organized, so check to see that that folder exists and put your photos in it. Remember your goal is to upload 50 pictures but the more the better!

Step 3: Fill out the following Google form ( This will enter you into my records of which event you uploaded for so I can keep a balance sheet of who I have to distribute payment to.

Step 4: Get paid! At an upcoming event, I’ll find you or you’ll find me and I’ll use the balance sheet created by the form to settle up with you. For every event for which you upload 50 or more pictures, I will pay you 25 gold. It’s just Rhiassa’s way of saying “thank you” for helping to preserve the visual history of the Realms.

There’s no time like the present so the ReCAPP project will begin at the next Realms event, the upcoming Paladin’s Call and continue in perpetuity.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out over PM.

In Service,

Jason Rosa