
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Team Elwin's Performance Piece- Queen of Hearts XXVII

Written by Renee "Kindrianna" Booke, Bri "Margaret" Meisser, & Sarah "Natira" Babineau and Performed by Bri "Margaret" Meisser, Diana "Kiira" Learned, and Tim "James Swift" Suitor

Brave young Squire Swift went walkin' one day through a field.
After all the fighting, he hungered for a meal.
Over to Rhiassa, the legend it was true!
Charcuterie boards for much freakin' food!

"Help! Help!" cried Sir Aeston, "A sorcerer, I see!
They're after my charcuterie board, and there's nothing left for me!"

"I will save you, Aeston!" the Squire did decree.
"I only hope when all is done, you'll share your snacks with me!"

The sorcerer did laugh, collecting all the cheese.
The scent of pepperoni wafted on the breeze.

The Squire he did charge, and took a missile to the shield.
He cast Enfeeble Being until his foe did yield!

With a smile on his face, Aeston thanked the Squire.
"I'm glad you did come to my aid; that could have been quite dire!
And now I ask you feast with me, savior of this day."

And all the feast hall did a hip, hip, hip hooray!