
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Why I Want to Go - Ashen Bounty IX

 by Stephen "Laika" Sanford

Ashen Bounty has been a staple fall event for nine years now. It always has been a good time to enjoy a full weekend of questing and feasting. 

After 3 years we finally return to the lands of Nangea, which are known for the 3 2 Archons which are patrons of the land. There are two groups in these lands the first are known as the Brimiri which are honorable and favor traditions, they follow the Archon of Charity, Brimir. The other faction are the  Arazeans, who follow the Archon of Trade, Qo Zarak. 

Archons are not quite gods but are certainly demi-powers within these lands and it’s important to know them. There is a third Archon who was dead, lost and forgotten who is the Archon of Secrets but no one but the secret keeper follows him. 

For further recorded information I will refer you to a wonderful article written by Muursha about the last gathering.

If you are available this weekend please come out and have fun! While the event is currently at PC capacity you can still come out and have fun on the western flank!

I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!

-Laika en’Naur/ Stephen Sanford