
Friday, November 18, 2022

Rumors for November 1022

 [Across the Realms]

Places where the veil to the Faerie Wildes is thinner and where high Fae populations reside within the Realms proper have reported sightings of a strange figure standing just out of view. Word says that the form is humanoid but featureless, almost like a shadow that flickers in and out of place, and only able to be seen in the corner of your eye. Nothing seems to occur out of the ordinary where it's sighted, however, so it is not viewed as a threat.


In all major cities of the Realms vaguely human-shaped beings of water appear to march around spouting off decree from the Lord of Corruption. Their words outline that the war with Voraniss is one based on territorial differences and they request that all other nations remain neutral in this effort. Any nation that acts in such a way to assist Voraniss will be recognized as if they have declared war upon the rightful Crown of Sothron and treated as such.


North of Chimeron, West of Banecroft, a beam of light falls from the sky; a continuous stream of blue and purple. It just sort of sits there. Shimmering. It is visible from quite a ways away. Researchers from the Subtle Threads Magical Research group and the Academy of Scientific and Magical Technologies are on site investigating.


An arson/theft was committed inside a Church of Aurora within Chimeron proper earlier this month. The identity of the individual is still unknown and at large. The extent of the damage was a burnt up desk and a broken door, it is believed that no one was injured.

[The Faerie Wildes]

Many places in the Wildes are preparing for the change of seasons. Some fae speak of how the Winter Court is still upset over last year's attempts by the Summer Court to try to extend their season, and how they're concerned the balance of the Courts might cause new problems again, especially with the recent unseasonal warmth.


The northern Stonewood Farms have been celebrating a successful harvest. Not quite the yields this year that they should be getting, but with a lot of optimism that now that the Farms are reclaimed and cleaned of a lot of the demonic energy that infested them, there will be many good years to come.

Starhaven's martial law has been rolled back entirely, and there is no longer a curfew. There is a higher guard presence which makes some people uneasy, but crime is at an all-time low.