
Friday, December 30, 2022

A Conversation About Nothing - Part 1 of the Risen Kingdom History

by Jean C'est Magnifique Try Baptise

Let us have a conversation about nothing shall we?

That’s the interesting thing about nothing, is that, despite it insisting on its own insignificance, we can’t stop assigning it one anyway. There is more nothing in the world than there are somethings. In fact look in front of you. You see empty space? But you don't, if there was empty space you'd not see anything at all. But there is the ground. Even if you look up in empty sky that sky is filled with bacteria, with dust, with air and nitrogen, only beyond the stars is there nothing, and then you can still see stars everywhere you look, because even in nothing there is energy. 

We can’t understand nothing, we always make it something, and somethings get reduced to nothing.

You need to understand that because we are talking not about nothing. We are talking about the Void.

The void ISN'T nothing, if anything it's everything. Even though the term void MEANS nothing, to us it mostly means Nothing Yet. We treat it as a force that can render somethings to nothing, or nothings to something… like what I said 2 lines ago. See? I was right. But why are we talking about the Something today? Surely there is more to be done than a religious spiel about The Dark One.

You are right. We aren’t talking about the Dark One, we are talking about the anti Dark One… which isn't Aurora as some would suspect.

It’s the Risen Kingdom.

Wavy flashback time. *Woosh woosh woosh*

Everything began in Gi. Gi is an ancient Realm, not like our own. Magic was not an internal thing where one could throw thunderbolts. Magic was made in circles! You had to harvest the resources of the world (remember when we had resource cards? Like that) and then you had to place them into a circle and tie it together with a song. So most of our rituals are not fundamentally dissimilar to Gi’s entire magic system. The issue is of course, with sacrifice and ritual these Circles can be quite a bit difficult, sometimes more difficult than GASP mAnUaL LaBoUr, which begs the question… why bother?

The reason, the only reason you will find is… Void!!!!

The power of void is to fill these gaps, Void, which is not everything or nothing but the between remember, is the primordial ooze of the internet. Void has the ability to morph around the elements they are exposed to, meaning one of the easiest rituals is to take a lump of silver, dab it with some void, and make more silver. But with circle magic even more elaborate rituals can be done, such as gate magic. Void is a wild card, it is everything to everyone. But if you waver, if you hesitate, or are even too gung-ho, or just have a intrusive thought for too long, that anything you get will become corrupted, not evil but tumrus, a half cognition that simply spreads and grows… well unless surrounded by even more void, as the power of Void is to take everything, including corruption, and turn it to nothing. 

So the void can create, it can corrode, and it can remove things.

When you understand THIS you can understand where the trouble started. Why some people died, and why even the destruction of armies can only set back the tides of Might. You will understand why empires fall.

You will understand… the Risen Kingdom.


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