
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Why I Want to Go-A Very Merry Yule at Crazy Cecil’s Uncle’s Tavern 3

by Renee "Kindrianna" Booke

UCCT is a time-honored tradition in the Realms. I think it might be going on sixteen years now, which is as long as I’ve been adventuring if I’m correct in my assumption. Every year I look forward to this event for a combination of reasons: good food, good drink, and good friends are the top three. But really, what makes it so special is that it brings the community together for the holidays and we get to celebrate together.

The first toast is happening around 5:30 PM this year, followed by the poker tournament beginning at 5:45. I’m not a gambler myself, but I do know food, and let me tell you that the spread at Cecil’s is always quite delectable. There is usually a variety of finger food, and appetizers before you even get to the main course. Last year it was served buffet style and there was an ample amount of leftovers, so make sure you come hungry.

The gift swap is also a special feature of this event that deserves its own mention. The youngest generation of adventurers gets so excited about meeting Pater Yule, and it is positively adorable to watch. And they aren’t the only ones, we adults get excited too, hah! If that wasn’t enough excitement for you, there is also the gift swap for people that signed up.

Later in the evening, the auction happens. This is a charity auction lovingly put together by Dame Twenaria (Kelly Bonci) that is raising money for Operation Delta Dog and House of Hope. Items are donated or brought in from all over the community and we get to see the spirit of giving on full display. If you are able, you’ll definitely want to participate in this and help raise money for a good cause!

This can be a challenging time of year for many of us, but the love that permeates this event really helps cut through the icy chill of the season. I’m genuinely excited to see all of you there and look forward to exchanging gifts and sharing a drink or two.