
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Lost Kingdoms Battle Log, Week Four

Two Days Before the Old Moon, Month of the Wolf in the Year 1023

Reports this week speak of dire loss on the front lines. Ekkaku still battles with Droxon the Frozen within the realm of spirits, and the weather seems to respond in kind. There is a chill in the air that cuts to the bone, but none are yet willing to surrender despite the loss. Instead, it drives us forward, spurring us toward our retribution. We will make them pay for every life lost, and every inch of ground.

The Erl King’s Champion has taken control of the shrine and the banner of Clan Defender has fallen, the result of a dastardly trick. We were betrayed from within by a comrade under the corruptive influence of the enemy after he valiantly tried to remove a red stone left as a “gift” by the Queen of Tantaril. 

Two units of Laughing Dead have been dealt with. One was banished back to where it came from, courtesy of Oracle Merrix, Page Margaret, and Lady Natira of Stonewood. The other was defeated and healed by Lord Sir Elwin and myself. Beyond all hope, we were able to revive the newly turned Forest Runners led by Zara. They are back in the land of the living, for which I am exceedingly grateful, but there is no time to rejoice. The last unit of Laughing Dead, despite our best efforts to slow them down, wreaked havoc on our defensive line and moved further north towards the Serpent Shrine to join Garrimaddon.

Mirador was taken in the northeast, but luckily our allies from Sharingal and Blackwood arrived on the field this week. I have no doubt that they will soon retake the city with their joint efforts. Reports indicated that Blackwood was able to commandeer one of the enemy’s ships, proving that our foes are not invincible on the sea. I wish I could have been there to see the sight of their familiar banner overtaking the flag of Sothron in the harbor. The Salmon Spirit, Jagtor, surely sails with them. 

Not all was lost, however. Our defenders at the Stag Shrine: Shadowstalker Tulkhan, Warmaiden Elowen, Castien, and our new friends Omri and Odd, were able to stand their ground. Aided by a storm summoned by the Druid King, the enemy could not overtake the sacred shrine and began to lose control of their ships amidst the terrible wind and rain.

This victory did come with a cost, and the enemy taunted that a 23rd Storm of Skalds had been born. Skalds, according to the Fighter’s Guide put together by Page Margaret, are water-based beings (some call them demons) with the ability to shapeshift. They have unnaturally wide smiles and a penchant for collecting souls. At the time of writing, there were 22 Storms of Skalds confirmed, which all had different weaknesses related to the storm that spawned them. Should you encounter one, the spells Identify and Fighter’s Intuition may reveal more information about the specifics needed to defeat them.

Things are bad, but they are not impossible. This is the week of the full moon, in Vangrim’s month, the time when the Wolves are at their strongest. Every howl I hear is a reminder that the forest has not yet been taken, and that our countryfolk still fight for their freedom. This week, we persevere and then we retaliate. May the wolf song strike fear into the hearts of our enemies.

In Service,

Spirit Queen Kindrianna Athame