
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Formal Challenge - Round Two

In this new series, our own Jean C'est Magnifique Try Baptise, accomplished writer and scholar, puts his wisdom and wit to the challenge as he takes on a series of written challenges against ChatGPT. Who will win? The man or the machine? We'll ask for your votes and your input on social media after you read both sides!

View Staff:

First of all, our audience would like to give you the alias Dr. Arthur Telligen.

Dr. Arthur Telligen: 

Thank you! I'm happy to go by the alias Dr. Arthur Telligen for our future conversations. What topic would you like to explore today?

View Staff: 

In a prolonged war between two fantasy medieval kingdoms, where a single type of mythical creature acted as the mounts for one of the kingdom's calvary, which type of beast would be the most effective to employ in this manner?

Dr. Arthur Telligen:

As Dr. Arthur Telligen, a medieval fantasy scholar, I would argue that the best mythical creature to act as mounts for a cavalry unit in a prolonged war would be the winged horse, also known as the Pegasus.

Firstly, Pegasus' flight capabilities would be a significant strategic advantage in battle. As a winged creature, Pegasus could easily fly over the battlefield, giving its riders an aerial view of the enemy's movements and tactics. Additionally, Pegasus could use its speed and agility to outmaneuver ground-based forces, making it difficult for the enemy to target them with ranged weapons such as arrows or spears.

Secondly, Pegasus has a natural resistance to magical attacks. In medieval fantasy settings, it is not uncommon for wizards or other magical beings to use spells or curses to target mounted units. Pegasus, being a creature of magic, would be less susceptible to these attacks and could provide a significant advantage against enemies that rely on magical means.

Furthermore, the Pegasus is not just a mount; it is also a symbol of honor, bravery, and nobility. Riding a Pegasus into battle would inspire morale among the kingdom's troops. The Pegasus is also capable of healing itself and others, which could be a significant advantage in a prolonged war where injuries are commonplace.

Finally, Pegasus' graceful and majestic appearance could be used as a psychological weapon. The sight of a mounted unit of winged horses swooping down from the skies could be enough to intimidate and demoralize enemy troops, especially if they have never encountered such a force before.

In conclusion, I believe that the winged horse, or Pegasus, would be the most effective mythical creature to use as mounts for a cavalry unit in a prolonged war. Its flight capabilities, resistance to magical attacks, and psychological impact would provide significant advantages on the battlefield.


First I would like to say that the pegasus is a bit basic as far as choices go. There is nothing wrong with the classics, however the Pegasus strikes me as an answer with little thought. Not simply cause its one of the most commonly fielded fantasy mounts, but because the Pegasus is one of the ones most alike to a mundane mount. As a consequence of this the Pegasus lacks many of the features a Manticore, Dragon, or other flying mount would have. The Pegasus's skills are simply to fly. When one compares it to other flying calvary units, the Pegasus will fall behind even in the flying horse department.

Secondly I need to bring up how Pegasus's are created, which is from the corpse of a gorgon. Simply put, I can not ethically condone the mass slaughter of a sentient creature, even a surly one with petrification powers, that would be necessary to field a full unit of nights. Sure Gorgons live violent lives and thus many Pegasus's can be found in the wild, however the expenses required to capture enough wild Pegasus will be difficult at best, which is why traditionally a pegasus is bestowed by a god. But unless your god REALLY wants you to win, they will likely have better ways to assist then a stable of pegasi, but maybe that's simply not the tastes of my gods.

Ultimately it would be more effective to directly recruit Gorgon tribes as mercenaries, then it would be to harvest Pegasi from them, not only is it incredibly difficult to kill a gorgon, but well... if the Pegasi comes from gorgon corpses its probably easier to draw the Pegasi power from a live and willing gorgon... not that I would know how that looks, I do not have gorgon friends. My mom does but I can't just ask them something like "Hey can I horse you a little?" They don't know me that well. Lastly and more importantly, Pegasi are for squares. I will not quantify that statement.

JB (again)

The advantages of a manticore are multifold. The first most immediate advantage of a manticore is that it flies. The advantages of a calvary unit, the ability to charge and overwhelm foes, is exacerbated when the creature can simply fly over a pike line or use gravity to improve its charging might, dive-bombing into foes. However this is not even necessary because the Manticore's stinger is known to shoot spikes, this means that the Manticore is capable of providing ranged power while maintaining aerial superiority. This allows a crafty rider to attack from a position of total air superiority, tossing lethal and venomous projectiles from above the maximum range of an arrow. In many situations that alone would be enough to create an ideal mount.

However the Manticore has a second advantage, it is a man-eater, which means while the mount may be dangerous to properly tame, the mount can not only be brought into battle, but it can be used to hunt troops. The manticore has a preference for human flesh (Relatable) and has developed ways to hunt them down, as a hawk has developed ways to hunt rats. This can not only be used to find stragglers, or as a fear element to spread discord in enemy ranks, but as an alarm system. The manticore can smell infiltrators, it will know when an ambush is near.... at least as long as the enemies are human, but in many military engagements they are, and if not... well you have the tail still.

However almost most important of all is the manticores MUNDANEITY. The Manticore is not the incarnation of magic like a dragon, not a blessed guardian like a unicorn, it is not the favored spawn of a dark primordial beast. A manticore is, fundamentally, a cryptid, an entity that may seem supernaturally ferocious but has no arcane or divine ties. The Manticore is not the harbinger of a god, it merely looks like that, potentially because someone described a tiger badly. The legends of the manticore is that it exists and kills. This means the manticore is not intelligent or holy, which means you can in fact tame and breed a manticore without a god or the manticore itself being particularly offended over the while thing. The manticore can be raised, trained, and treated like any other animal. This means that Manticores have a advantage over many creatures of legends in how many manticores can be realistically fielded.

View Staff:

And in that same scenario that I described above, please explain why the manticore would be a poor choice to employ as the mount for the kingdom's cavalry units.

Dr. Arthur Telligen:

Certainly! As Dr. Arthur Telligen, a medieval fantasy scholar, I would argue that the manticore would be a poor choice to employ as the mount for a kingdom's cavalry units in a prolonged war.

Firstly, the manticore's temperament remains a significant concern. Despite being able to fly, the manticore is known for its aggressive and unpredictable nature, which could pose a significant danger to its riders. The manticore's violent tendencies and tendency to attack indiscriminately make it difficult to train and control, which is a critical factor when considering a creature for use as a mount.

Secondly, the manticore's anatomy is not ideal for riding. The manticore's lion body lacks the necessary structure and balance required to support a rider. Its scorpion tail could also pose a significant danger to its riders, as it is capable of delivering a lethal sting. Moreover, a rider would need to be careful not to accidentally hurt the manticore's wings while mounted, which would render the creature useless as a mount.

Finally, the manticore's natural abilities do not provide significant strategic advantages in battle. Despite being able to fly, the manticore is not as fast or agile as other winged creatures such as the Pegasus or the dragon. Additionally, while the manticore's ability to shoot poison spikes may seem advantageous, it still has limitations. Its spikes are not as effective against armored enemies, and it would still be vulnerable to attacks from other mythical creatures with greater agility and combat abilities, such as dragons or Pegasi.

In conclusion the manticore would be a poor choice to employ as the mount for a kingdom's cavalry units in a prolonged war. The manticore's temperament, anatomy, and natural abilities are significant concerns, and other mythical creatures, such as the Pegasus, would provide greater strategic advantages on the battlefield.

Editors note: For those unfamiliar, ChatGPT is an AI language model that generates responses to any input through an online interface. All text attributed to ChatGPT (Dr. Arthur Telligen) in this series is the unedited output of that AI, all text attributed to View Staff is the unedited input given to ChatGPT. Read more about ChatCPT here:

Monday, February 27, 2023

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, February 24, 2023

What's It Do? What's It Do?

In this continuing View feature, we show you a picture of a theoretical magic item. Then you go back to Facebook and in the comments, invent your idea for the powers that this item would have.

Here is this week's item:

So what's this cape do? Head on back to social media and let us know!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Fresh Faces with Emma "Chrysanta" Harvey

1. How did you learn about Realms?

I was invited by a veteran player

2. How many events have you been to?

About five or six. This is my first year.

3. Have you ever LARP’ed before? If so tell us about it? 

Yes. I did small one-shot parlor Larp's at Convolution 2015 in San Francisco. They were pre-assigned character sheets with small puzzles. Closer to a murder mystery night

4. What is your character like? Where are they from? What is their species? What is important to them? 

Chrysanta is a friendly Faun from the Fey Wilds who simply wants to make friends and learn more about the druidic arts in the Realms.

5. What do you remember most about your first event? 

The chaos of a tournament.

6. What things have helped to make you feel welcome in game? 

So many people are so friendly and willing to help you figure things out, including loyalties to nations and religious figures.

7. What parts of the game do you find most challenging?  

The combat as I can get anxious in fast-paced environments.

8. Do you have any game-related goals (as either a player or character)? 

I would like to see Chrysanta gain a title of some sort. Even if it's just from chatting to the most NPCs at events (aka "Chrysanta the Friendly") or gaining recognition from a higher power.

9. What advice would you give other new players?

Go with friends and don't be afraid to make new ones. It will broaden your view of the world around you.

10. What have you enjoyed most about the game so far? 

Dressing up and chatting with other players about their characters

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Morning Coffee Break

  Got your morning cup of coffee and a few minutes? Great! Time for our continuing feature at the View - we're going to be asking a series of questions and we want to know your answers! The question is posted below. So while you sip your morning beverage of choice, ruminate on this one:

What is one of your favorite memories or stories from a winter event?

Head on back to Facebook and let us know what's on your mind!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A Formal Challenge - Round One

In this new series, our own Jean C'est Magnifique Try Baptise, accomplished writer and scholar, puts his wisdom and wit to the challenge as he takes on a series of written challenges against ChatGPT. Who will win? The man or the machine? We'll ask for your votes and your input on social media after you read both sides!

View Staff: 

Writing from the perspective of a scholar in a medieval fantasy world construct an argument that pixies are an invasive species and therefore should be removed from the environment.

ChatGPT (with the argument in favor of the thesis):

As a scholar, I argue that pixies are an invasive species that should be removed from the environment.

Firstly, pixies have a significant impact on the local ecosystem. Being creatures of the fae, they often possess magical abilities that can disrupt the balance of nature. Pixies have been known to use their powers to manipulate plants and animals, causing them to grow in unnatural ways or behave erratically. This can lead to a chain reaction of negative effects on the environment, including reduced biodiversity, soil erosion, and water pollution. In some cases, these effects can even lead to the extinction of native species.

Secondly, pixies are known to be mischievous and often cause trouble for human settlements. They have been known to steal food, damage crops, and disrupt the daily lives of villagers. Additionally, their childlike intelligence and proclivities can lead them to engage in dangerous behaviors such as playing pranks on humans or other creatures, which can result in injury or even death. This can cause significant harm to both the human population and the environment.

Finally, as creatures from the mythical lands of fae, pixies are not native to the area and were likely introduced through magical means. Their presence in the environment is therefore not natural and disrupts the local ecosystem. Invasive species are known to have significant negative impacts on ecosystems, and as such, it is essential to remove them to protect the environment and native species.

In conclusion, the presence of pixies in the environment poses a significant threat to both the ecosystem and human settlements. As an invasive species, they disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem and cause harm to both the human population and native species. It is therefore necessary to remove them from the environment to preserve the natural balance and ensure the safety of all involved.

JB (with the augment against the thesis):

Let us speak plainly, I could make an argument about ethics here. I could say that Pixies, being intelligent, have the right to their own determination, and thus we can not kick them out. I can argue the Pixies are not causing serious harm and thus should be permitted. I can argue that Humanity is the real invasive species and give a smug chuckle as I say it. However I do not think any of those points hit the fundamental problem of the debate. The question we are presenting is, at its crux, that sacrifices must be made. My opponent believes that Pixies are a threat, a menace that must be dealt with. They may claim that, while the Pixies have no real malice towards us, not the way we are being malicious by moving them, that sacrifices must be made for the balance of the environment.

The position I choose to hold therefore is simply that this moral quandary is stupid. Let us consider first, the arrogance that WE must be the ones to determine which sacrifices must be made, especially when those sacrifices are done at the expense of others. The pixies can make their own choices, their own sacrifices, it's banal for us to determine for their sake what is an acceptable loss. But more than that, more than the moral issues, how defeatist is this discussion?

I have lived the same as you all. I have seen time travel, realms jumping, teleportation, shifting one reality into another. Are we REALLY going to say THIS is the line? Of all the demons, gods, demon gods, universe destroyers, reality definers, magic space squids, a MIGRANT ISSUE is the thing we can't hand wave? That's quitter talk at LEAST, we can figure this out. Assemble 4 seers, get the 3 Zoologist Staffs, yell Mage at a wall, whatever it takes. You can uninvasive them, reality is an option. You don't need a solution to pixies, not when we have the solution to ANYTHING else. Hasn't Chimeron handled fae floating into their land for 30 years? Surely if they have survived it so can we.

Editors note: For those unfamiliar, ChatGPT is an AI language model that generates responses to any input through an online interface. All text attributed to ChatGPT in this series is the unedited output of that AI, all text attributed to View Staff is the unedited input given to ChatGPT. Read more about ChatCPT here:

Monday, February 20, 2023

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, February 17, 2023

A Formal Challenge

View Staff: 

Please write a challenge letter, challenging a human named JB to a contest of wit and knowledge, which will be published in an online periodical for our LARP community.


Dear JB,

I write to you today with a challenge - a challenge to test the limits of wit and knowledge, and to see if an artificial intelligence can prevail against a human mind.

As an AI language model, I have been designed to process and provide answers to a vast array of questions on a wide range of subjects. I have access to an enormous amount of information, and can provide answers quickly and accurately. But can I match wits with a human being, considered the most knowledgeable in their field?

It is in this spirit that I invite you to participate in a question-answering contest, to be published in an online periodical for our LARP community. The rules and format of the contest will be discussed and agreed upon beforehand to ensure a fair competition.

I am confident in my ability to provide answers quickly and accurately, but I also recognize the limitations of my programming. I acknowledge that there may be questions or areas of knowledge where a human would have an advantage over me. But I am eager to put my abilities to the test and see how I fare against the best of the human intellect.

So I ask you, JB - are you up for the challenge? Let us see who will emerge victorious in this battle of wits and knowledge.



View Staff:

Okay, that was great. Do that again please and make it sound more like something written in the medieval era so it fits our blog better.


Certainly, here's a revised version with a more medieval flair:

Hear ye, hear ye! Be it known that I, the humble servant of knowledge, doth issue a challenge unto a worthy and learned human by the name of JB.

Let it be declared that the challenge shall test the wit and knowledge of both parties in a contest of question and answer. Each shall present their queries and responses, and the victor shall be determined by the extent of their knowledge and the sharpness of their wit.

This challenge shall be recorded in an online periodical for the entertainment and edification of all, and shall serve as a beacon of light to inspire the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

Doth JB accept this challenge, or shall he be deemed unworthy of this noble pursuit? The answer shall be revealed in due time.

Editors note: For those unfamiliar, ChatGPT is an AI language model that generates responses to any input through an online interface. All text attributed to ChatGPT in this series is the unedited output of that AI, all text attributed to View Staff is the unedited input given to ChatGPT. Read more about ChatCPT here:

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Guess That Realmsie!

Another in our continuing series! In the below picture there is a Realmsie-shaped black hole. Can you figure out who it is based only on the profile? Tell us on Facebook if you think you know who it is! The answer will be revealed later in the day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Peacock News

News from the Nest

An Order of the Peacock Newsletter

Feast of The Leviathan XXIV: 

Awards and Recognition 

Once again this year we had a Feast of Leviathan without the traditional View From Valehaven awards. This is to be expected of course, it’s been a fairly untraditional few years and we are just now settling into a new normal. Even so, we decided that we would like to honor some of the folks who really went above and beyond to keep our community going through such difficult times and helped give us the opportunity to even be at an event handing out awards. 

There were quite a few people absent at the feast, including many of the people we wished to honor. Rude, but understandable. The awards were also handed out by someone who should take her own advice on public speaking, but who is thankfully a better writer than a presenter, and we have been meaning to get something out to the community so that you can all thank them and they know that they are being thanked. These are the people who made great strides in providing content, keeping our spirits up, and helped not only to get us back up and running but worked to ensure that we never truly lost connection to the community. 

Here are the recipients of this year’s ‘Cockys’. 

Cal ‘Syruss’ Marsden - For compiling, editing, and producing the ‘Give a punch’ video. Very early on in our isolation when we were all a little unsure of what the future would bring and if and when we’d be back to seeing each other in person, he found a creative and fun way for us to engage from a distance. Making the clips gave us our first excuse in a long while to actually put on real clothing, comb our hair, and maybe even go outside! Thank you for bringing us all back together and taking our minds off of mundane problems for a little while. 

Christopher ‘Janus’ Donnelly - For organizing the ‘Questing at Home’ series in the View From Valehaven. He somehow managed to take what we do every weekend in the Realms and somehow translate it to things we could do from the comfort and safety of our own homes. It was a wildly popular series that included many people in the form of both contestants and judges. Thank you for giving us all a little bit of adventure in the mundane monotony of quarantine. 

Crystal ‘Cressida’ Welch - For presenting us with the ‘Animal Companion Competition’ series in the View From Valehaven. She took a fourth circle spell and turned it into a fun and engaging competition. People’s furry and feathered friends got to become more than just an extra source of magic and took center stage in all sorts of antics and essays. Lots of folks got involved as either the animal’s faithful valets, or the judges who got to weigh in on ‘butt capes’ and sophisticated mallards. Thank you for providing us with some whimsy and lighthearted fun. 

RealmsCraft Team - For the RealmsCraft series of events. They managed to take a very mundane medium and turn it into something magical for the community. I have no idea what goes into creating a Minecraft world, but I am sure it is not a small amount of time and effort. While we couldn’t get together in person, they provided a different sort of event environment that was creative and fun. Thank you for providing event content in a safe and unique way. 

Realms Community Forum Team - For organizing and hosting the ‘Realms Community Forum’. While we may be back to in person gatherings, it’s often hard to find the space to have organized conversations about the various aspects that make up both the magical and mundane in the Realms. This team has put the work into coming up with topics, gathering panelists, and moderating meetings on a wide variety of topics. Thank you for giving us a platform to discuss and debate in an organized fashion. 

Jason ‘Aeston’ Rosa - For all the interactive View series (Boff Brawls, Loremaster quizzes, puzzles, etc.). These got a lot of engagement from the community. They were simple to participate in, were a lot of fun, and got surprisingly competitive. For taking on the project of completely remaking the Realms map in a brand new format and making us all really think about some world building for a while. For the ReCapp project which has gotten a lot more photos of our gatherings into albums and circulates some gold out into the economy. And for putting ‘Rhiassa Presents’ on pretty much every event right out of the gate, and even when he didn’t he still helped organize and run them. Thank you for assisting us through the rough times and helping to usher us into better ones. 

The View From Valehaven staff - For everything. The majority of other awards were for series published in The View. Keeping going with daily posts during a time where there was limited content took a lot of effort from everyone involved, but the staff of The View definitely deserves a lot of credit for coming up with ideas, and organizing and recruiting content providers over an extended period of difficulty. And as they are the folks who never get awards because they are always giving them out, it’s nice to get to recognize them for a change. Thank you for all you do, every day, for our community. 

If we were to give an award to everyone who has contributed to the community  over the last few years we’d run out of paper. We have endured because of the efforts of many. And while we don’t put in that effort for rewards and recognition, it’s still nice to get some. When putting in time and energy for a community, it can often feel as though the community isn’t embracing it, which leads to us feeling that they don’t need it. We need everyone’s efforts. That’s what makes us ‘us’. So if you see someone doing something that you enjoy, that adds to your experience in the Realms, if you feel that you and yours are better for their efforts, tell them! Don’t wait for someone to give them an award to applaud their efforts. Just say ‘thank you’ when you can. 

In service to The Realms

The Order of the Peacock 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Morning Coffee Break

 Got your morning cup of coffee and a few minutes? Great! Time for our continuing feature at the View - we're going to be asking a series of questions and we want to know your answers! The question is posted below. So while you sip your morning beverage of choice, ruminate on this one:

In honor of Valentine's Day today - what is one of your favorite Realms memories with your partner/ significant other? 

Head on back to social media and let us know your answer! 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, February 10, 2023

What's It Do? What's It Do?

 In this continuing View feature, we show you a picture of a theoretical magic item. Then you go back to Facebook and in the comments, invent your idea for the powers that this item would have.

Here is this week's item:

Head on back to social media and let us know what this fancy ring does!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Lost Kingdoms Battle Log, Temporary Truce Announcement

Forgive me for the lateness of this most recent missive. I have been trying to take advantage of the temporary reprieve from the conflict that has been battering my lands. It has been a wonderful opportunity to catch up on delayed projects and rebuild and fortify now that we have gotten a look at what our enemy is capable of.

To be clear, while we have agreed to a temporary truce or pause in the conflict, this is not an end to the war. No Voranian will enter the Lost Kingdoms while the truce is in place, and no one fighting for the Lost Kingdoms will enter Voraniss, nor will we attack one another. However, nothing was agreed to in terms of our allies or other nations. It remains unclear if the Lost Kingdoms will press outward in another direction during this downtime. It is worth stating that we should all remain vigilant.

In good news, none of the Warlords remain in our lands after a coordinated multination effort to banish or slow them down. And even though Mirador was taken again the other week by a half dozen Phantoms, a group led by Sir Zula was able to make their way street by street and stealthily dispose of them. Out of all the enemy’s special units, these have proven the most formidable aside from the Laughing Dead. Phantoms, the servants of corrupted magic, are blue and somewhat translucent beings that possess rather inconvenient talents for those going against them. For starters, Phantoms are more powerful when overwhelmed. So, if your plan is to gang up on one with a bunch of your friends, that isn’t going to end well. These foes are far more manageable in smaller skirmishes.

Phantoms must be attacked with weapons enchanted by Ghost Blade, as I believe they are incorporeal. Attacking them with magic, however, completely restores them to full strength. It cannot be stressed enough that magic is not a good tactic to use against them. One of the special abilities they have is “Soul Rend,” which does exactly what it sounds like- renders you soulless. It can be stopped by a Protect the Soul spell, but the casting will be used up and destroyed to do so. Finally, once phantoms have taken enough damage, they need to be disenchanted. This may take a few tries as some of the Phantoms seem to have the ability to resist magic, but ultimately is a necessary step to stop them from coming back. All this information is readily available in Page Margaret’s Fighter’s Guide to the Realms, highly suggested reading material for any fighter looking to join in this conflict.

In the coming days, a lot of us will be gathering supplies and working on assisting that port city, where we have had the greatest number of casualties besides the front in the swamp. Any spare building or medical supplies would be most welcome in that harbor.

Please keep in contact if you should see any enemy activity in other places in the Realms, I would very much like to be apprised of their movements.

In Service,

Spirit Queen Kindrianna Athame

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A Humble and Completely Rational Appeal

Looking back at the end of 1022, the big year that sort of felt like last year which mostly felt like the year before. Time, has lost meaning, casualty has been lost, consequence has died, given way to random chance.

And despite it all, no matter how I look at it, I am not popular.

How can I be? When I, Your Friend Sir Jean Cest Magnifique Try Baptise, does not have a SINGLE sponsor!  

Me! Who almost got assassinated by Vorainess that one time! Me who ate Emissary Starblade’s kidney! Me who didn't go to any important events this year past because there was a comically Baptise shaped henchman on the other side and I do not tolerate ripoffs.

How could I, who contributed so little, amount to so little in the eyes of my peers? Is it because I’m a demon? Is it because I write long winded rants about deserving more popularity instead of actually doing something helpful?

Is it because I write articles while drink despite only having two drinks?

IMPOSSIBLE! I know why!

Its the millennials! The 1000+ crowd.

They don’t understand newspapers! They just eat hotchip and complain about gods!

Well heres a hotchip for you! Maybe Garm did nothing wrong!

…Well thats not true, he’s balance.

50% of the things he does is wrong, give or take the margin of how well the Realms is doing at the time. But maybe if you were stapled to a chair having to listen to Asmodeus lecture about demonic bylaw you’d blow up a church too!

I feel bad for Big Doggie.

Garm, give me sponsorship money.

Is this how it ends, poor Jean Baptise, forgotten in current year by the big rise of Stonewood? Am I to just fade into the winds of time!



LIKE THE GOOSE I WILL SOAR INT HE AIR, OR AT LEAST… FLAP MENACINGLY! I will honk at the feet of passerbys, squawk at the normies who have it SOOOO GOOD!

Neden is NOT a dead nation! It’s just really sleepy from drinking too much whiskey!

This is my year! And I… will get… MY MONEY!


This article is sponsored by the Nation of Saurabia!

You may think, isn’t that just Alpacasaurus! NO!!! Lady Twen is in it too now! She couldn’t get New Verai, so she settled for the giant volcano!


Think about it! How many hot springs do you think a big volcano has? A lot! That means you can have the comfiest baths and cleanse all your pores. You may not have a knighthood! You may not have a treasury! You may not even have roads! BUT YOUR PORES…. THEY WILL LOOK SO GOOD!

Goblin swords will just slide off the smoothness of your skin! History will remember you! Remember you as the person who lives with all the dinosaurs!

Yes… dinosaurs! Like in elementary school! You may smirk, you may go “Dinosaurs? Thats such a silly thing to deal with” and smirk with your elves and dragons.

Heres a take, heres a spicy bit of lore. Everything that was cool when you were 5 is still cool now, you just learned how to be embarrassed.

Embarrassment only teaches you to be normal.

You are in the Realms. Normal won’t get you far.

Join Saurabia! Become best friends with a baby T-rex, live, for once in your life live.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Morning Coffee Break

Got your morning cup of coffee and a few minutes? Great! Time for our continuing feature at the View - we're going to be asking a series of questions and we want to know your answers! The question is posted below. So while you sip your morning beverage of choice, ruminate on this one:

Let's share some positive vibes. Tell us about something really nice someone once did for you, IC or OOC, while in the Realms.

Head on back to social media and let us know your answer! 

Monday, February 6, 2023

Meme Monday

 by the Meme Team

Friday, February 3, 2023

Caption This

Here's a photo from a Realms event lacking any specific context. Go on back to social media and comment with the best caption you can think of.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

What's It Do? What's It Do?

In this continuing View feature, we show you a picture of a theoretical magic item. Then you go back to Facebook and in the comments, invent your idea for the powers that this item would have.

Here is this week's item:

Head on over to social media and let us know what this crustaceous claw does!