
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Rumors for March 1023


Reality Mages converge to discuss the power vacuum left following the demise of The Champion. It seems that the various Dream Demon factions are trying to make moves to fill the void. Sources close to Minerva report that this cannot be filled by any entity. Dream Demons only need apply. Equal opportunity employer.


A long standing statue of Justari seems to have begun growing strange black veins in the foundation. Nobody seems to be able to identify the source or treat it. Local priests and herbalists are bewildered. Experts in scrying have reported vertigo when trying to discern details.


Settlers on the western borders of Darkvale report occasional tremors in the lake, corroborated by the builders and masons who have started to set up camp there over the past weeks.

[Library of Ivory]

Artifacts seem to have been going missing. Historians and archivists stress that they have an amazing security system, typically Sir Cain just scowls. In a follow up interview, the same Ivory representatives reported that there certainly are no items missing, but they don’t recall building that east wing of the building. “All this dust. It’s hard to keep track of everything, you know.”

[Southern Wastes]

Seemingly overnight, the BC Guild has arrived and has started doing odd jobs, cleaning, fixing, and such. They have offered to collaborate with some local guilds on less desirable jobs. They’ve stressed how this could be a financially beneficial friendship. Accused thieves and assassins of the Realms were seen gathering nearby. They’ve assured us that it’s just a coincidence and they are in fact not planning to assassinate anyone.