
Friday, March 24, 2023

Why I Want to Go: Voraniss Questing 1.5

 The Justin Times presents: "This Justin Voraniss Questing 1.5 Fun!”

Kindrianna: Justin can you write the “Why I want to go:”?

Justin: Uhh which Justin?

Justin: Which Justin?

Justins: Well you’re getting both.

Justin: So like imagine this right, you and your friends show up to a village and it’s a mess, and we hadn’t even done anything yet! There is this big spooky crypt outside the village that was not there a few months ago, so that’s suspicious. So you go inside and find undead, shocker, and you beat them back to bone dust over and over again. Then you keep going deeper and it still smells bad, like come on a crypt should start investing in some scented pinecones or something. Anyways, now we found the worst thing I have ever encountered in my adventuring career, and I fought Rexan! This was a gelatinous cube, giant, slow, ominous, green! Horrible. I got turned to goop, Onyx got turned to goop, Elora didn’t get turned to goop though, so thankfully after I handed them my magic stick I got back in ye olde times of Queen of Hearts, we all became not goop! Luckily, I still got to make a meme out of it, so there’s that. Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah. So, we got deeper, and now there’s this open sarcophagus, but like it's different from the other desecrated and open graves in here. This one has a body that isn’t all bone like, still undead, probably. Anyways, it turns out it’s a vampire. And he’s a knight! And has a cool sword!! So after we opened the next door he left :( But have no fear dear reader, we found him again! Well I found him after the others at the front of the team did. But I actually talked to him, and he seems really nice and cool and mysterious. And has a cool sword. There was something with a ritual that he was talking about not being at because it wasn’t his job to do it, but I wasn’t leaving him because like he was way more interesting that dying to some cultists or something I forget. He is pretty neat. So, then a bunch of undead start to do stuff, but he told them not to touch me, he’s so nice! Did I mention he’s a knight without a squire? Because he is. Oh, I’m getting lost in the story.


Uncle Cecil’s rolls around and I get a little help from my bestie Ryu who’s got a magic book, and I get to ask some questions about this cool vampire knight. Turns out that this guy, who I totally forgot to tell yall his name, it’s Sir Roman. And it turns out that his knightly order is pretty cool, they stop bad things from happening to the Realms, so they like stop things from breaking through planes and stuff. Also the name of their order is dope as hell, Knights/Order of the Aberrant Gate, like that’s so cool.


So, like now that we get to go see his “boss,” I don’t think he’s really all that enthused about this guy, but idk I’m just some Khajiit that isn’t being paid by him. So yeah, this Lich guy does seem to own Sir Bones’ and Mathies’ asses so we should be doing something about that, so that’s the plan. Oh and the druid people, they seem reasonable, so losing them is probably bad. So yeah. You know what they say, you either get to be a vampire knight’s squire or die trying, and I hate dying. (Undying is ok though.) Don’t get me wrong, this lich guy is definitely a problem, and hopefully it's not just going to be Justin and Justin against the guy, but hey, if this doesn’t convince you to come hang out with the bad ass plot Voraniss has cooked up, then you clearly hate fun, or probably have something else to do.
P.S: If anyone knows how to stop gelatinous cubes please send all relevant information to J’ortsa.

~Justin “J’ortsa” Thibeault

So after our last little excursion to address the problem of some powerful necromancers in Voraniss I decided to start gathering as much information as I could about what was happening with the necromancers and keep an eye out for any new activity. These efforts also included a large amount of crafting to both be better equipped and also to avoid the unfortunate situation of ALL OF MY STUFF BREAKING! Efforts were also made to gain access to weapons that swing either silver or magic to help better deal with some of the more challenging enemies that we may be facing.

I’d like to get more information on the Lich and their goals, but any magic directed at them seems to be protected against or at the least altered to give useless information. This worries me because it means that gathering information on them will need to be done with boots on the ground rather than behind the relative safety of scrying magic. I’m not surprised by this, but was hoping it wouldn’t have been the case all the same.

It also seems that the Lich has the assistance of a vampire knight, and potentially the entire order that they are a part of, though that has yet to be proven. Whatever the case of their relationship to each other is and how it came about caution must be used. The vampire clearly had sway over the undead of the necromancers. 

Further investigation and conversations will need to be had once we get more information this weekend. With any luck we might even get some answers for the questions that we have. For now though, keep your silver and magic weapons sharp and ready. Hopefully we’ll have good news to report after the trek this upcoming weekend.

When I tell you that this quest series lives in my head rent free I mean it. And it’s only on its SECOND full event. The memory of having to go through FOUR different weapon combos in the span of 2 days is still insane to me and set the tone for just how difficult this event series is going to be. And honestly, I love it.

At some point in my doomsday prepping and information gathering a few newbies from SMAS started asking about Voraniss Questing and if they should go. Without hesitating I told them that they 100% should go because the first event was awesome! Then they asked how challenging the event would be and how much combat they should expect to see. That made me stop and think of how best to describe exactly how challenging it was for me. This is the comparison I thought was the most fitting: Voraniss Questing is the Darksouls of the Realms.

Let me give you some reasons why this Voraniss Questing is the Darksouls of the Realms, okay? It felt like I spent more time dead on the ground than I did fighting things. I went through 4 different weapon combos in 2 days because of the sheer volume of things that broke. My SHIELD broke half way through Saturday. Anyone who knows me and has seen my shields knows I make those things CHUNKY and out of plywood. I’m not even mad, I’m impressed!

-Justin “Grarr”  B. Hawkes