
Thursday, April 27, 2023

Spell Badly Again


In this edition of Spell Badly, we started off by giving ChatGPT the rules descriptions of several spells in the Omnibus. Only these specific spell rules were given with no other context from any other part of the Omnibus; no combat rules or anything else of the sort.

Cure Disease, Detect Magic, Find the Path, Heal Limb, Immunity to Poison, Intervention, Magic Missile, Protect Item, Raise Dead, Regeneration, Repair Armor, Resist Magic, Seed of Life, Soul Bane, Speak with Dead, Vision, and Zombie Walk.

Then ChatGPT was asked to generate rules for spells after we told the AI the names for those spells. What follows are the rules that were created.

Magic Armor (4th Circle)

Uses: 5 - Material: Disposable or focus - Active: Hold armor and MC for 15 second count

This spell imbues a suit of armor with magical protection, making it more resistant to damage. While under the effect of this spell, the armor will absorb the first two points of damage dealt to it by any source. This protection lasts until the armor has absorbed two points of damage or until the spell ends, whichever comes first.

In order to cast this spell, the spellcaster must hold the armor and material component for a 15 second count. The material component may be either disposable or a focus. The spell ends if the armor is removed or if the spellcaster loses concentration. This spell can only be cast on physical armor and does not work on shields or other types of defensive equipment.

Fire Storm (6th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 20 words - Active: Throw beanbags for 30 seconds

This spell creates a storm of fire in a designated area. After reciting the verbal, the spellcaster must throw beanbags in a continuous stream for 30 seconds. During this time, any player in the designated area is considered to be struck by a Fireball every five seconds, until the end of the 30-second duration.

This spell affects all players in the designated area, including the spellcaster and their allies. The designated area must be clearly defined before the spell is cast, and must be at least 10 feet in diameter. The spellcaster may not move from the designated area during the 30-second duration, or the spell ends prematurely.

Caveats: Fireproof, Immunity (Fire), OOC Calls. This spell does not deal extra damage to players who are immune to Fire or who are wearing Fireproof armor. If a player calls Immunity (Fire), they are unaffected by the spell. Any player may call an OOC Call to request that the spell be halted prematurely. The spell ends immediately upon such a call, and the beanbags are to be dropped to the ground.

Arrow of Light (3rd Circle)

Uses: 3 - Verbal: 15 words, plus a target declaration - Active: Hold your hand out and say “Arrow of Light!” while pointing at your target - Caveats: Damage, Magic Weapon

This spell creates an arrow of pure light that the caster can shoot at a target. When the caster points and says “Arrow of Light!” they may immediately shoot the arrow at their target. The arrow causes 3 points of damage to any target it strikes, and will bypass any non-magical armor. If the target is hit by the arrow, they are affected by a Magic Weapon spell for 60 seconds, allowing them to strike as though their weapon was enchanted. If the arrow misses the target, it dissipates harmlessly. This spell cannot be used to destroy magic circles or similar effects.

Request Boon (4th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 20 words, followed by a statement of the desired boon - Caveats: OOC Calls

This spell allows the spellcaster to request a boon from a powerful entity such as a deity or an elemental. The spellcaster must first explain to the entity what they are willing to offer in return for the boon. If the entity agrees to the deal, the spellcaster may make their request. The entity may or may not grant the request, and may even offer an alternative boon instead.

The spellcaster must make it clear when casting the spell that they are seeking a boon, and should clearly state their desired boon following the verbal component. The entity may only grant boons that are within their power and not detrimental to their interests.

If the entity agrees to the deal, the spellcaster must immediately inform a MM or EH of the terms of the agreement. If the spellcaster fails to fulfill their part of the bargain, they will suffer severe consequences, potentially including curses or other forms of punishment. If the entity fails to fulfill their part of the bargain, the spellcaster may be entitled to compensation or may seek revenge through other means.

Zone of Greater Healing (7th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 20 words and an explanation - Material: A large, brightly colored cloth or flag

This spell creates a large zone, up to 10 feet in diameter, in which those inside will receive accelerated healing. While in the zone, any non-diseased characters who are not undead will heal twice as fast as normal, and any character who is suffering from a disease will heal at the normal rate. The material component of this spell must be laid out on the ground in the center of the zone and must remain there for the duration of the spell. The spell lasts for 10 minutes, after which the cloth or flag used as the material component will disappear. The spellcaster must explain to those entering the zone what the effects of the spell are, and the EH or MM may enforce that those in the zone must roleplay receiving healing for it to be considered valid. The zone cannot be moved once it is created.

Would you like to see some more crazy ChatGPT spells? Respond on social media with the the name, and only the name, of a spell that you want to see exist, with no other context, and some of your requests might be part of a future edition of Spell Badly!