
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Spell Badly Some More


In this further edition of Spell Badly, we started off by giving ChatGPT the rules descriptions of several spells in the Omnibus. Only these specific spell rules were given with no other context from any other part of the Omnibus; no combat rules or anything else of the sort.

Cure Disease, Detect Magic, Find the Path, Heal Limb, Immunity to Poison, Intervention, Magic Missile, Protect Item, Raise Dead, Regeneration, Repair Armor, Resist Magic, Seed of Life, Soul Bane, Speak with Dead, Vision, and Zombie Walk.

Then ChatGPT was asked to generate rules for spells after we told the AI the names for those spells, some contributed by other members of the community. What follows are the rules that were created.

Wall of Force (6th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 30 words and an explanation - Material: A ribbon or rope at least 10ft long

This spell creates a physical barrier that prevents players from crossing it. To cast this spell, the spellcaster must stretch out the ribbon or rope between two fixed points, and recite the verbal. Once cast, the wall of force lasts for 5 minutes or until broken.

The wall of force is indestructible and cannot be physically moved, however, players can use magic spells or abilities to bypass it. For example, spells that allow players to teleport or pass through solid objects can be used to go through the wall of force.

Players who attempt to break the wall will be stunned for 30 seconds. If the player touches the wall, they should dramatically act as if they have hit a solid object. The ribbon or rope used as a material component must be present during the entire duration of the spell.

Summon Elemental (7th Circle)

Uses: 1 - Verbal: 20 words and an explanation - Material: a token representing the element being summoned - Caveats: Elementals, OOC Calls

This spell allows the spellcaster to summon an elemental of their choosing to aid them in combat. The elemental is a non-player character controlled by a marshal. The spellcaster must hand the token representing the element they are summoning to the marshal playing the elemental as soon as possible after casting the spell.

The elemental will obey the spellcaster's commands to the best of their ability, but they are not under the spellcaster's direct control and may act in ways that are not desired. If the spellcaster engages in combat either by attacking or by being struck, the spell ends and the elemental disappears.

Only one elemental can be summoned at a time. The spellcaster must provide a brief explanation to the marshal playing the elemental about their intent and general strategy. The elemental will stay for up to 10 minutes or until it is dismissed by the spellcaster. If the spell ends prematurely, the elemental disappears immediately. If the elemental is defeated in combat, the spell ends and the token is returned to the spellcaster.

Power Word: No (5th Circle) [Spell Name Suggestion by Sean/Eamon]

Uses: 1 - Verbal: “Power Word: No” and an explanation - Active: Point at the target - Caveats: OOC Calls

This spell allows the caster to interrupt and negate a single spell or effect that is currently affecting the target by shouting “Power Word: No.” The spell or effect must be verbal or have a clear physical manifestation. The caster must immediately explain to the target which spell or effect was negated by the Power Word. The spell ends after one use. Only one Power Word: No can be active on a person at a time.

Enhance (3rd Circle) [Spell Name Suggestion by Amber/Tarnisha]
Uses: 1 - Active: Touch the target - Caveats: Physical Limitations

This spell enhances the physical abilities of the target for a short period of time. Upon casting the spell, the spellcaster must describe to the target how their abilities are being enhanced, such as increased strength or agility. The target must then perform a physical action, such as doing a set of push-ups or jumping jacks, to demonstrate the effect of the spell. The enhanced abilities last for 5 minutes or until the target is incapacitated, whichever comes first. This spell cannot be used to give the target abilities they do not already possess and the enhanced abilities cannot exceed the limits of the target's physical capabilities.

Villager Spell (1st Circle) [Spell Name Suggestion by Mandy/Mandolin]
Uses: Unlimited - Verbal: "By the grace of magic, let us converse." - Active: Touch the target - Caveats: NPCs Only

This spell allows the spellcaster to communicate more effectively with NPCs playing as villagers. When the spellcaster touches an NPC and says the verbal, the NPC will respond with more detailed and useful information. The spellcaster may ask questions and the NPC will provide answers to the best of their knowledge. This spell does not compel the NPC to do anything they would not normally do, but it does make them more likely to help the spellcaster. The effect lasts for up to 10 minutes or until the conversation is over. The spellcaster must have a valid reason for casting this spell and cannot use it for frivolous reasons.

Would you like to see some more crazy ChatGPT spells? Respond on social media with the the name, and only the name, of a spell that you want to see exist, with no other context, and some of your requests might be part of a future edition of Spell Badly!