
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Why I Want to Go - The Lost Ruins: A Stonewood Quest

by Adam "Tulkhan" Blaisdell

I was never one for ancient relics, artifacts, or even the pursuit of knowledge. My pack never taught me these things. What it did teach is those who are strong aid those who are not able. Once again we venture into the lands of Stonewood for they have called for our aid, and too many threats linger within the border for us not to answer, be it an archangel, Greater demon, or champion angered. I have spent much time in Stonewood as of late and what I can say is something is not right. If these ruins have any sort of answer, key, or power that can help in setting things the way they should be set, then we must venture forth. Though, as with most times the danger and risk are always there by our side.

Many meetings have been had leading up to this. Plans set and contingencies thought out… Just in case. I don't write this in hopes you will come adventuring, in hopes for you to explore a country I have a liking to. No, I write this because, in all my time entering Stonewood, I have never feared losing this much. I don't know what is at this dig site, I don't know what may try to kill us, and I don’t even know if all of us will return. But, What I do know is that if you can help, can aid in any way, if you can make it to Stonewood to fight alongside me and the others already preparing, I would gladly accept.

 -Shadowstalker Tulkhan
Thane of the Southern Forest and Spirit Queen's Champion

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I love Stonewood events. I love the immersion the plot team brings. I love the emotion I feel walking into the quests. I love that gut-wrenching feeling of “We could lose this.” I have never been disappointed at one of these events. They are normally combat-heavy (Enough so that I never seem to see the NPCs take breaks) and the puzzles are challenging enough to be rewarding when you finally complete them. If you are looking for something that will make you tired, sore, and feel so accomplished that you survived, come. My words don't do it justice nor will they truly describe the experience. All I can really say is you will not be disappointed.