
Friday, June 9, 2023

Rumors for June 1023

 [Across the Realms]

Members of the Order of Many Pasts have been very active over the past few months, traveling far and wide to document Dream magic manifesting among magically gifted folk at rates not seen in roughly a decade. Some have been heard bragging about receiving a summons to Chimeron Castle for an audience with the Warlord there.


The streets have been abuzz about a party of native Gians in blue tabards who arrived through the underground portal earlier this week. They seem to be led by a middle-aged man who walks using a cane. The travelers have been seen making slow progress toward Rhiassa with a large rolling cage in tow, though the Gians and their Militia escort have prevented civilians from getting near enough to have a look at what's inside.


Traveling merchants who have made frequent trips to Norlund across the Vanfrost have begun to realize that the lands aren't particularly safe. The large populations of roaming carnivorous dinosaurs are an issue that can be more or less dealt with through armed guards but the real danger comes from an extreamly high instance of geologic activity. The whole landscape seems to be unstable at times and there are rumors of whole towns that have been wiped off the map because of earthquakes and landslides.