
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Why I Want (you) To (absolutely *NOT*) Go - The Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival II

Lord Iawen, enclosed you will find my report on the gathering at the Chimeron Rhiassa border to help you determine why you would want to attend such a function.

It appears that Lord Stromgate and King Cecil have arranged for a series of activities in celebration of the summer solstice, which on the surface, appears to be a pleasant gathering of individuals from all over the Realms to take part in general merrymaking.  That being said, through my detailed investigation I have determined there may be signs of more nefarious intent.

The first thing to catch my attention is gambling.  Although it is a personal vice of mine, it generally is a way to deprive the common folk of their hard earned gold.  The Gamblers Guild has wisely divided this into two separate events, one for those who have less experience, and those who have more expertise on the matter of gambling.  It would seem that this creates a more level playing field for the participants, and may not be a cunning ploy as I had initially suspected.

Secondly, Sir Shader of Ashenmark is conducting large group tournaments.  This may be an excellent chance to gather some intelligence on military might of other nations of the Realms, as well as the prowess of certain individuals.  There is glory to be won for the competitors, but also valuable data that could be useful in determining threats to Eagles Rook, as well as potential allies to recruit.  There is also something called an Orion Single Tournament Jamboree, which seems to be a fanciful name for tournaments cooked up by Lord Aeston, although my agents tell of some unique entries into the lists involving utilizing magic.  A most intriguing development indeed.

Food will be provided by the Rhiassans, and while they may have a storied and rather unblemished history of providing delicious food, and plenty of it, I have prepared some counter poisons in case of the event the food is infused with truth serum in order to garner our state secrets.  There are also desserts being prepared by Fern of Chimeron.  While I am unfamiliar with their work, one of my covert sous chefs was able to liberate a sample, and let’s just say there will be nothing filed in the evidence locker in this case.

There appear to be a large number of strange travelers from across the Realms and beyond, in the form of fae serving tea, merchants from the Fairwind Trading Company, soothsayers from Domai, resistance fighters from Gi, and even a trainer of something called a Yosei.  There is also an expected mystery visitor from some sort of liminal realm, however I only have limited intelligence on them.  I urge caution when dealing with any of these outlanders, while they may seem kind and inviting on the surface, they could all pose a potential threat.

Finally there appears to be, as usual, a number of problems from nearby lands that need sorting.  There appears to be sorties being scheduled for dealing with threats from Stonewood, Voraniss, and Blackwood.

In summary, I will advise you with my normal guidance, remain in the safety of the guarded fortress within Eagles Rook to avoid any chance of treachery, however I expect that you will ignore it just the same.

In your service,

Sir Tychus Rane

Eagles Rook White Ops