
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Why We Want To Go: Hunt It! Kill It! Eat It! 3

Dan "Baron Diamond" Diamond

Why I want to go to Feast of Chimeron? I was fortunate enough to participate in the first two "Hunt it, Kill it, Eat it" style events. A feast where you choose your own menu is pretty rare. And the beasts are each an interesting encounter, where often some wit or keen observation is a help to the prowess at arms. One need not fear monotony in either the encounters nor the resulting dishes into which they are rendered by the cooks.  As you feast on that which you have overcome, you can carouse with satisfaction that these dishes you have earned on the field.

Ed "Tuilli" Drummond 

I love hunting things, killing them, then eating them.  The fact that I get to do all that with friends is GREAT. Also I really enjoy a good feast, so it should be a great time!

Dennis "Katsuie" Coffey

First and foremost, I want to go because of the food. The Chimeron Kitchen always puts out really tasty fare. Secondly, I'm looking forward to the questing in a format I've yet to experience. Hunt it, Kill it, Eat it is a rare event. Combining the two sounds like a recipe for an awesome time. So much so that I've managed to convince something like 9 of my friends (and their friends) to come try out the Realms and quest with me on Saturday! 

The feastocrats, Kim Coffey and Ken Belsito

Come join the great hunt - we can't wait to see how high we can pile the tables for you all! Don't forget your feast gear - bowls included. Dining will be outside under the sunset and stars. Bring your friends, your appetite, and maybe some take-home containers!