
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Ballad for a Would Cutter

by Ethan "JB" Goldman

We sing many songs. Oh what sad sings we sing.

We tell tales that start, “No shit there I be”

From birth to grave, we have so much to say

We say things about white belts, and blue belts, but nay.

Of all of things we say and say those we should.

But not one say is said, of the Cutter of Would.

I see you confused, but wait to the end of the thought

Because what you think a woodcutter is, a wouldcutter is not

When speaking of woodcutters, never forget the L and the u.

Because a wouldcutter cuts, what only a would cutter would do

They care not for the trees, not their grain not their height.

The Would Cutter cares only about might,

About should have, would haves, and other sad sights.

But of all these things the would cutter sees, the maybees just maybe the things to see.

A Maybee is simple, two tiny round wings, a maybee only bumbles round bumgled round things

Maybees are just babies, small and confused, but a maybees just maybe, makes do nots into dos

If power you seek a caster maybee (just maybe) may be the maybee to seek

Or maybe, you need a braver maybee to duel scarier things?

Everyone need’s a maybee from cowards to kings.

So the Would cutters collects the maybees from the Woulds and Coulds, and keeps them in glasses hives carved out of shoulds

Right behind the Nevermind Mine the Would Cutter lurks, picking up maybees from maybes long shirked.

So deep in the woulds, where no one bothers to try, is the Would Cutter Woulds, and the maybees glass hives.

If anyone needs maybees that’s where theyd have to go, by footstep or horse step, or even by boat.

And wouldn’t you know it, wouldn’t you dare, A man needed a maybe, between his hat and his hair

So a traveler went to the Wouldcutters woulds, giving no mind to Nevermind mine.

And skipping some bits, some villains he slain, he stared at the Wouldcutter, and wouldcutter stared just the same.

“I reckon I’d beat you.” “I reckon you would not.”

Then, says the man, “lets play a game at the game playing spot. I got some cards, you got your things.

If lifes but a gamble, then let a gamble life be.

You wager a maybee, I wager a neck, and to the cards the two of us bet.”

The would carver nodded, “I’ve done a lot, I’ve killed many a man, but a hand I have not

You got your gamble, lets sit in the shade.

And traveler, unravel your traveler game.”

Maybe the traveler would win, and the day is won, with the traveler grinning from ear to the other one.

Maybe hed be a hero, with stories to his name, and maybe wed be speaking of this hero to day.

But the hero lost, two twos in the hand

And the heroes head rolled down on the sand.

The hero’s head rolled both of his eyes, and the heroes red stump gave a wet heavy sigh.

As the would carver watched, the traveler’s body rised, and placed his severed head, right in his thighs.

Well, the dead man sighed. “A deals a deal, and what a deal we made.”

“But I cant help but thinking… I’d be luckier next game.”

“I got more pieces, you got more time… so say there Would carver… another try?”

The would carver stared. “I reckon I’d beat you.” “I reckon you would not.”

“Then, we will play your game, here at the game playing spot. You got your cards, I got my Bees.

If life's but a gamble, then a gamble, life be.”

Time passed, and tries did too… but the Wouldcutter raised, where a fold would rather do.

The would carver shrugged, true to his word, and plucked a maybee from its perch.

“Take care of your maybees, as hard as you can”

“You lost so much to get that good hand”

He lifted the travelers hat, and with great care placed the maybe in the travelers hair.

Hey, asked the Cutter, I do declare

I’ve seen your cards, I’ve seen you play.

But the one see I have yet to see is a name

The man gave a smile, and here he proclaimed

Yesterday my name was John Neden, today I reckon it’s same.

I'll refrain the message, since we got to the end.

John Neden had failed, and he still tried again.

For making money theres gold, silver for blades

But making a DIFFERENCE, that’s the Maybee place.

Bit heed this warning: if you do not succeed

The first time, the twice time, or even the three

You must not falter, cause if you just leave

Then maybe, just a maybee is all you may be.