
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

What You Missed - Yosei Yes!

By Hannah "Ryu (your friendly neighborhood half-dragon)" Boucher

What did you miss? WHAT DID YOU MISS?!! Only the most amazing display of Yosei battling I have ever seen! The weather was nice and hot, perfect for all the Yosei about to get fired up for some battles. We had a good mix of seasoned Yosei battlers and those just starting out on their Yosei journey. However, thanks to supremely detailed knowledge of Jerrick, we were able to get the newbies up to speed. There are many ways to attract wild Yosei. The first way is through doing things that specific Yosei like. For example, Metal Lads can be attracted by polishing dirty metal, Wind Lads can be attracted by creating jingling windchimes, and Void Lads can be attracted by drawing the essence of the void while blindfolded. Many people took very creative approaches to attract the various Lads, but my favorite of the day was Sir Orion’s wind chimes. As his squire, I was legally obligated to help him perpetuate shenanigans, and ended up joining 4 more people he managed to convince in holding hands and singing a tone to make a living windchime. The Wind Lads were particularly pleased. 

Another way to attract wild Yosei was by building terrain for the Yosei pits. There was a verifiable mountain of crafting materials available to us to aid in the creation of specific biomes for the Yosei to inhabit and control while battling on the field. The best terrain of the day was Jerrick’s Wood terrain that he constructed as a gift to his partner Hachi, a Yosei that takes the form of a cute bumble bee! Because of his dedication and attention to detail, Jerrick was awarded a magic crayon! 

The last, and in my opinion the most fun way, to attract wild Yosei is through wild Yosei battles! Each participant calls a random Yosei to the field and does battle with whatever Yosei appear to face them. If you defeat a wild Yosei in battle, they will become your friend! We fought a lot of wild Yosei to build up our teams in preparation for the first Dojo. But the highlight of the battles was an official Adventurer battle between Team Rowan and Team Jerrick. After a hard fought and lengthy battle, it was down to the wire, next win takes it all! Griffin and I, who were on team Rowan, pulled out our combo move, “Siege Tower” and managed to provide mobile cover for the rest of our team. Just barely, team Rowan came out on top, and we all received her personal trainer badge for helping her win.

Finally, it was time for the main event. We all formed up into teams of 4 to take on the first Dojo Master, Dewdrop, and his team of water Yosei. This was my first time meeting a Yosei Dojo Master and he was not what I expected. Instead of the politeness I’ve come to expect from the Tenghuaneese people, Master Dewdrop was arrogant and rude. Sir Saka, Sir Orion, Griffin, and I went first, and let me tell you, it was no walk in the park! We had spent much of our time in between fights strategizing and coming up with team compositions that would be strong, and now it was the moment of truth. The first fight didn’t go so well, but after analyzing our opponent, we managed to come back and be the first team to beat Dojo Master Dewdrop and earn our Water Badges! All of the other teams also managed to beat the Water Dojo with stunning displays of cleverness and fighting ability. Needless to say, I think Master Dewdrop might not be so overconfident next time. 

If you’re disappointed you missed the event, don’t worry! There will be more Yosei Dojo’s to conquer and plenty of other opportunities to catch wild Yosei in the future so stay tuned! I for one am going to keep training to make my bond with my Yosei even stronger! I think I’d better make sure my Dojo Badge is nice and polished too!