
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Why I Want To Go - Blackwood Tournaments X


Blackwood tournaments approaches, and while I am happy to see my friends compete and enjoy the festivities, I admit my purpose for traveling north is far from jovial. The country is under siege, internally and externally. While the threat of undead encroaching its borders is under control for now, the corruption caused by Change threatens the land as we know it.

Edaonae, the patron goddess of Blackwood, the one who gives this country life, is dying. Without her spirit, power, and protection, Blackwood will turn to ruin. 

I pray our paths still branch, this fate not yet stitched. If you’d like to aid me in these endeavors, I’ll see you on the tourney field, willing to share information I have gathered; I hope we are prepared for what will greet us when the night comes.

- Irri


I’m so excited for kabobs and violence!

The Blackwood staff has spent the last few months playtesting tourneys and taste testing food, both of which I have taken part in and am excited to see shared with the Realms. Kabob wise, I’m most looking forward to the spicy shrimp. Tournament wise, there’s such a wide variety, ranging from your classics to what the head marshal has named “Puzzle Points”! Think puzzle-quest meets point capture.

It’s going to be the perfect event to hit this summer, and with the amount of time and effort that’s been put into this event, it’ll be one for the history books. Come join in on the fun, with full days on both Saturday and Sunday!

Hope to see you there!

        - Emma