
Friday, July 7, 2023

Why I Want to Go - Yosei Yes!

by Tim "Jerrickiv Jerrickson" Suitor


Now ever since I somehow ended up in Teng Hua from Jerrick Farms, I was amazed by Yosei. As a farmer, a man of the land ya know, these nature-like spirits can become fast friends and will stick around for a while. Thanks to Mister Magus Prime Rosetta thumping my head and saying “Vision, Mage!” I understand a lot more about our elemental buddies than a simple guy like me thought he could. I’m no Doctor Professor, but:

Yosei are sorta like quasi-immortal spirits of the land of Teng Hua, they can be like a kinda a clump of an element, Faiajaberin or Saijuron, a gout of fire or a cyclone, a place within nature, Haru or Yama, a spring or a mountain, or a more specific thing within nature, Hebi or Hachi, the way of the snake and the way of the bee. They can get a bit bored being so old and all, so lately they’ve started following around people they bond to! They make their friends and spend lots of their time invisible like, hanging around, and they sometimes will mess around with stuff. They’ve helped me finish field work so I can get back to playing with them, but also helped me thaw and keep back a moving iceberg on one of my few adventures. 

More than that though, they like to play and spar. And I checked! It doesn't hurt them, they love to roughhouse! They’ll fight the day away, and if they’re friends with a person, the person can make up a team of em and they’ll work together, usually in six Yosei to each side of the fight. They often have small weapons and a buncha elemental missiles and a whole kit and kaboodle of funny abilities.

Well there are some mighty good trainers out there who run Dojos in Teng Hua, and one of them will be bringing a buncha their friends over to the mainland for some battlin!

Its a lot of fun, and I think some of you adventurer types could use a bit of fun and some more friends. So you should come to Yosei Yes!

I can help you find your first few Yosei, the Elemental Lads, and begin your journey as a Yosei Trainer, as can the Dojo leader I’m sure (Oh boy, I can’t wait to meet a real Yosei Dojo Leader) I’m just real excited-like. I am also happy to introduce people to my friends so they can help you. After all, a friend of a friend just means we all have more friends, right?

Oh Gosh, I hope Miss Rowan and I are ready…

Hachi? Mure? Kuroi Hoshi? Kanketsusen? Raifuboro? Raiu? Are you guys ready? Lets get going!

I want to be great,

Gosh, like none before have been.

Befriending them all.

Well that’s the trial

But training alongside them

Is truly my drive

And will travel

Across Teng Hua seeking out

All of our powers.