
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Why They Want To Go - Rhiassa Presents: Queen of Hearts XXVIII

We asked each of the Queens of this coming weekend's teams why they want to go to Queen of Hearts and why they were excited about their teams.

I was asked what my goal was for this weekend, and what my team was setting out to accomplish, and honestly, I've been stumped for a while on this question. Of course one of my first goals I set out to achieve when starting prep for a team was that I wanted the team to embody what it means to be a powerful woman in our community, but since then it's grown into so much more than that. Truth be told, running a QoH team never crossed my mind until a passive side comment was made about it. Seeing how quickly my friends and even acquaintances rallied behind the idea and how excited everyone got at the opportunity to compete with and against some of the talented members of our community, I knew I couldn't let the sparks fizzle out, and decided it was time to embrace the flames. And I'm extremely grateful I did. Between the powerhouse of kickass women at the helm of our team all stepping out of their comfort zones and showing tf up, to all of the hard work each and every team member has put in this far from crafting, to logistics, practices, comedic relief and so much more, I can't wait for our overall fight and spirit to be displayed this weekend for everyone to see. I truly could not have asked for a better group of folks to be by my side. So I guess to answer the initial question, my ultimate goal for this weekend is to showcase what strength in companionship and passion can achieve.

See you on the field,

-Ser Elizah 
Knight Commander of the Lunar Aegis 
Knight of Blackwood
Squire to the Sable Dragon

I am beyond excited for this year’s Queen of Hearts! I’ve been waiting a very long time to run my own team, and now I finally get to. Woo-hoo!

One of the things that I am super psyched about is my lady true supporter squad, whom I have affectionately dubbed “Kindy’s Angels.” (If you know, you know.) Between the four of us, we have almost 60+ years of experience in Realms! I know I am in good hands, and am so appreciative of everything they have done thus far to get the team ready and in good shape.

We’re setting out to achieve personal bests this year, encourage new folk, go outside of our comfort areas, and have a good time above all else. When these groups get together, we are absolute goofballs, which I appreciate in the heat of competition. While I love combat, I am most excited about non-coms. It’s like gift-giving at Christmas for me, and I can never wait for the big reveals. 

I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone!

- Spirit Queen Dame Kindrianna
Knight of the Eternal Flame
Knight of the Sable Dragon
Knight of the Lunar Aegis
Magi of the Realms
High Priestess of the Church of Vandor