
Thursday, September 28, 2023

Why I Want to Go - Ashen Bounty X

 By: Justin “J’ortsa” Thibeault

On his last foray into the lands of Nangea and Pacifica- J’ortsa cannot recall which he entered first- there were many crazy and exciting thrills. This one hopes that there will be similar excitements for him to explore, and this time he will be able to move much faster as he no longer has an injured foot! While J’ortsa knows not the intense and important political atmosphere of these strange lands, he does know that he trusts his friends to make the right choices and he will back them up, so if you would like to have J’ortsa side with you, please make all letters of payment out to J’ortsa and he will take your voice into consideration. 

Last year there was much fun to be had, sea life (and bees?) to interact with, and of course potions to concoct. Khajiit hopes that he will be able to create mixed potions again alongside his fellow adventuring mixologists (without getting an upset stomach). But in truth, the real joy that J’ortsa receives from his adventures during the Ashen Bounty are the joys of being with the friends he rarely sees, like Gundulf and Elric, as well as enjoying the tropical “vacation” that he has heard people speak of. Never has Khajiit been both afraid for his life and enjoying himself as he had before, and he hopes this next trip will be just as exciting. Though, he did shoot lightning from his bow last time, it will be hard to top that! 

Lastly, and most importantly, there will be a one of a kind fight happening for the second time! You do not want to miss it, “Fish Fight 2: Electric Eel-Boogaloo (Working TitleTM)” will be taking place. Vesper and Jack of Redwall fought valiantly last year with their Florentine-Flying-Fishticuffs combination, but this year it will be different, their personal honor and their coin purses are on the line. If you would like to gamble on the outcome of this match please come see J’ortsa or Onyx to place your bets. 

J’ortsa will leave you with one warning: Stay away from the Sea Skrunks, they are dangerous, deadly, and worst of all, fast.

May your path lead you to warm sands traveler,


Watcher of the Skyless Sea

OOC Note:

Ashenmark throws a very fun, interesting, and exciting experience that is unlike any other. No other nation can claim the title of “eliciting true dread from a man wearing a turtle backpack” and I would appreciate it if no one else tried. Sea Skrunks are NOT to be messed with. If a Kaelkatar shaped creature with really big hands asks you for a hug, you say NO THANK YOU and book it. Trust me.

When I got the notification that registration had gone live whilst I was on my vacation, I immediately registered, that is how much I enjoy this event series. If you cant make it as a PC I highly recommend NPCing if you can fit it in your schedule, good times will be had by all. (This is not a paid advertisement, but if you would like it to be, please let me know, I will always accept money for writing words.)