
Friday, September 22, 2023

Why I Want to go to Storytellers XII

By: Unhinged Hannah B

Hi! I would love to give you an in depth reason for why I am so hyped for this weekend, but Jason Rosa gave me essentially 24 hours to write this and 6 of those were used on sleep and another 8 of those went to work so instead you get the Hannah that comes out when her one page essay is due in an hour. I digress.

Storytellers! What is it? It’s a bunch of really fun cool mini quests written and run by talented EHs and EHs in training. From my understanding, the Knights of the Sable Dragon give you everything you need to run a quest; NPCs an event site, props, probably also advice. All you have to do is bring your questing ideas! This year there are I think 6 modules happening. Dan and his Requiem plot Friday night, Bri and their Sanctuary plot Saturday morning, a mystery plot by Tom also Saturday, the Castlevania plot Night Quest from Tournaments of Chaos Saturday night (so chaotic they ran the night quest a full month later), and the Wyvern College quest Sunday. I will admit, I know most of these quest runners personally and they are all super talented and really creative and passionate about the Realms. If nothing else will sway you off of the fence I would urge you to please go and support Dan (N), Bri (Margaret), Tom (Avendar), Ken (Celtrix) and Travis (Elwin), Kelly (Fern) and Zach (Tony) and Justin (Grarr). Many of them are either running their first bits of content, or gaining more experience running Events and this is something that should be celebrated and embraced by the community. 

Please come, please show your support, please have a blast, and most importantly, please bring silver weapons and stakes oh my gods people the vampires are so strong and scary I don’t want to get kidnapped again. 

I’ll see you there! – Everyone’s favorite Half Dragon

P.S. I am sure they are still accepting NPCs : )