
Friday, October 27, 2023

Spell Badly Once Again

The following text is spells from our Ominbus that have been translated into another language by using Google Translate and back into english using a machine learning algorithm at

Assassin's Blade translated to and from Dutch:

This spell allows the spellcaster to prepare his MC with the spells Armor-Piercing Weapon, Enchant Weapon or Create Poison, without using a molding, although the spell still needs to be used to prepare its preparation. 

To prepare the weapon with one of the listed spells, they need to wipe the edge of the firearm with the clothes 5 times. Only one spell may be executed on the Assassin's Blade at a time. Anyone can use the firearm, but only the spellcaster is allowed to use the special summon with it. 

The weapon is a one-handed weapon, but may not be used by the spellcaster in combination with any other weapon or snavel. If the MC has an IC malfunction, then when repaired, it retains its mystical proposals. In addition, each person who obliterates the blow of an Assassin's Blade counts as two blows inflicted.

Deep Pockets translated to and from Persian:

Each actor allows the mascot to reject any plagiarable item that is fully contained in the MC to the next three characters who search for the speller, while that bag is on the body of the mascot. If the charmer is not carrying anything stealable outside the bag, he may reply, "Not." 

Other plagiarable items must be searched. Any additional learning of this spell will allow the talisman to allow an extra bag volume of 6 inches by 12 inches by 3 inches, whether as a separate bag or a larger bag. However, the speller can only be used once at a time. Every search. The denial on all.

Light translated to and from Samoan:

This spell gives light. The broadcaster can use multiple light sources as needed. Electronic light sources should be checked in before use and may be pulled if they are too intellegent or unsafe for the event. If using medicinal oranges, the spell caster should also carry a bag large enough to hold all the oranges they will be using and thick enough to preventing any light from escaping. 

The bag must be used when affected by a Disrupt Light spell. The spell caster may not grant any knowledge to anyone who would travel beyond easy speaking distance. This spell can be interrupted. It is the responsibility of the spell caster to know what the Disrupt Light spell is, how to recognize it, and how to respond to it.

Resist Magic translated to and from Greek:

This spell prepares an explosion of zero magic inside the speller. If the speller wishes, he can ignore a single magical puff. This skill can be used at any time, whether the speller is dead or not. A spellcaster cannot be under the influence of more than one Resist Magic spell at the same time. 

When they are targeted by a spell or effect against which Resist Magic protects them and the spell checker wishes to ignore the effect, they call it "Resist Magic". For example: this spell will allow the spell to treat a puff from a magical weapon as if it were a normal firearm strike, ignore the effect of any spell when first performed, ignore any alcohol during its first application, or cross the boundaries of a Protection Circle.

The spell ends if the Disenchant spell is cast on the speller (although the speller can use Resist Magic to prevent the Disenchant from removing any other spells on it). This spell cannot be cast on anyone other than the spell and will only protect the spell, not anything he has or possesses.

Shapeshifting translated to and from Welsh:

This allows the charmer to change shape into a human brute about their height and size. This transformation takes as long to complete as it takes the player to change into the appropriate camouflage uniform. 

The type and characteristics of the brute are up to the player. Once the shape change is complete, the player will respond to the ID spell as the new type of brute. This spell will mimic a type of universal brute, and cannot accurately imitate a named or unique brute, or appear as another PC. However, you are free to try to convince your casualty that you are more important than you really are. 

The shape-shifting form does not confer any grappling benefit or other NPC power, although they may appear to wear armor or carry larger weapons to complete the disguise.You may not in any way inform NPCs that you are NPCing. The polygon form ends if you are killed or any part of your disguise is dismembered. 

In addition, at the gateway of the event, the player is allowed to ask the EH or MM to borrow an appropriate face for the event in order to complete the virtualization. There are no guarantees that they will be able to provide the materials, so you may want to bring some yourself.