
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Cry of Midgard - Week 2

Editor's note: 

Welcome back! The first week of interaction and voting went very well and in just a moment you'll see the results below. Just a couple housekeeping notes first.

It was pointed out to us that since Discord lets you edit messages after they have been reacted to, that creates the temptation to abuse our system. So... please don't? If I notice that something has been edited it will have to wonder if I should really use the command or not.

I think the right schedule for these right now is bi-weekly especially because so much great content has been coming in. As we go through the winter and less events are happening I might increase this to a weekly feature.

Okay, let's see what happened!

Okay... I guess... lets just rewind our high budget cut scene here... that's perfectly normal to do right?

Okay, back to the actually adventuring part of the adventure now!

I'm sure you won't have to use that axe for anything violent at all!

Fall is just the best time to pick apples, am I right?

Sure! You had to pick one of the directions, after all. Why not North?

Yikes! That escalated quickly! There's certainly something mysterious afoot! What is it? Don't bother trying to ask Ulric, he went to bed.

And now a quick look at your inventory screen.