
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Why I Want to Go - Voraniss Questing III: The Siege of Necron

 A Compilation Featuring Odd, John "Gordon" Rescigno, & Justin "Grarr" Balanca-Hawkes

Upon my return from my home in the west, something in the air had changed. Something beyond the chill of winter creeping its way down from the north. On my return journey, the woods whispered secrets as the wind rustled their leaves- a language I could not understand. I heard that those in the Voranian war effort were successful in their efforts and for that I am grateful. I still regret disappearing so suddenly, and I hope they can forgive my absence. 

Word has spread around the places in Chimeron I frequent and I fear my intuition was right. A new threat has descended upon the lands. I do not wish to dwell on the future should Necron be taken by this lich's forces. I only hope I can be of use to those I consider friends in this race against time. I do not fight by nature, but I will take up arms in their name. If I do not, I am not sure I could forgive myself. 


This is an awesome plot team. I have enjoyed all the Voraniss events I have been to thus far, and this is one of my favorite event sites. There are so many facets to this plot for new and older players alike to latch onto and take part in. 

A few keywords for those who are thinking about going that hopefully won’t spoil anything:

Vampires, fallen knights, ancient evils, nostalgic baddies, morally grey good guys, and Evie’s Tavern!


You guys get a special three-for-one deal today! I’m going to keep it short, sweet, and to the point because Odd already did a fantastic job of getting all of you excited and ready to go fight endless ranks of undead minions. 

As I’m sure most of you know, I absolutely love the Voraniss Questing series and it never fails to get me fired up and ready to go fighting like my life depends on it (usually because it does). So far all of them have been a great mix of challenging combat with interesting mechanics, great puzzles, and strong role-play opportunities. The risks, rewards, and punishments have all been meaningful, impactful, and most importantly fair for the circumstances. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it many more times I’m sure: to me, Voraniss Questing feels like the Dark Souls of the Realms. If you think you might enjoy anything that I’ve talked about here then you absolutely should come this weekend and help us push back this threat and hold the line!

Until next time,

Grarr Seawoods