
Thursday, October 19, 2023

What You Missed: Paladin’s Call

Holding an event is a labor of love for the community, while it offers the perks of being able to express oneself creatively, and allows us to be given the title of Event Holder, fundamentally it’s about giving back to a community we love. 

Paladin’s Call was a little bit different, in that it was held with the intent of honoring the spirit of someone who loved this community. Our Paladin. 

We took time remembering all the people who’ve left us in recent years. Speaking on them, thinking of them. 

Honoring the spirit of love for this community is really what you missed. 

While I was not at either of the Questing portions of this event; I heard that they lead to the meaningful discussion about what it meant to be a knight. 

I marshaled tournaments throughout the day on Saturday, —- and I’ll post the results of them at the end of this document, but for me, while they were the front and center content of the day, it wasn’t the main reason for being there. 

No, I would say the fundraiser was the reason for being there. Raising nearly 3,500 dollars, the Paladin Fund, in its inaugural showing is meant to support those of the community that need it. 

Honestly, having participated in the auction it was pretty amazing to see the generosity at play amongst the attendees. For me it seemed people were there for the right reasons, and ready to be generous. 

Again, I will reiterate, what you missed in truth was the honoring of love for our community. 

Here are the tournament results I promised: 

Labyrinth: 1st Place Kael    2nd Place Alpacasaurus

First Blood: 1st Place Torolf   2nd Place Tao

Balance Beam: 1st Place Grindin 2nd Place Grarr

English Long Sword: 1st Place Kael   2nd Place Grindin

Magic Missile Poison Ball: 1st Place Alpacasaurus 2nd Kael

Duncan’s Challenge: 1st Place Torolf, 2nd Place Alpacasaurus

Endurance: 1st Place Torold, 2nd Place Kalashai


Balance Beam Pairs: 1st Torolf and Tony, 2nd Grarr and Kalashai. 


See you on the field, 

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn