
Friday, November 10, 2023

Rumors for November 1023


While the cuisine in Goldenhall has always been *chef's kiss* excellent, there has been a marked increase in exotic and luxury ingredients available in the marketplaces over the past couple of months.


Long hours getting the Dreamliner Revenge into tip-top shape have required a steady stream of workers pouring into Bluetown, from technicians confirming all systems are functional, to cooks bringing food round-the-clock, to Dreaming acolytes confirming the stability of its metaphysical hull. Rumors insist variously that Commander Orion has personally inspected every inch of the ship, that no-one in Chimeron actually understands how it works, that everyone involved has been replaced by Dream Demons, and that His Majesty had a special crystal ball installed so that he can take over and fly it from a sanctum next to the throne room, among other things. ~~~ Chimeron Militia activity has noticeably increased in the areas around the captured Void portals in the last few days. Despite assurances from the officers at each post, some locals have packed belongings in case an attack makes evacuation necessary. ~~~ With the winter months approaching, the Chimeron Militia has begun an informational campaign reminding travelers to stay on Waystone roads in snowy and stormy conditions. While patrols will be prepared for winter rescues, they make no guarantee on age, gender, or species continuity if they have to bring you back from Fae. ~~~ With the breaking news of a big military push against the Risen Kingdom, general ire against the extraplanar foe is on the rise again. While it's often been the case that upticks in anti-RK sentiment resulted in aggression toward the many beneficiaries of Commander Orion's swords-to-plowshares program, this week has seen very little of that pattern.

[Eagle’s Rook]

While the borders remain quiet, there's talk that some foreign adventurers made it in and out of the beleaguered nation safely a few weekends back. Those with friends and family on the inside hope this might mean an approaching end to Eagle's Rooks lockdown.


As the weather turns colder merchant traffic through the Vanfrost has slowed but some industrious entrepreneurs continue to make weekly treks to Norlund bringing goods and acquiring rarities to sell in the Realms. Lately they have been hearing tales that give them pause, stories of whole villages being wiped out mysteriously, the population vanishing overnight.


For the past week or so, folks have noticed Lord Sir Aeston seeming a bit distracted, as though ruminating on some momentous concern. One merchant says they heard him muttering something like, "air support, hmph" as he paced past their market stall two days ago.

[The Southern Coast]

Construction materials, fabrics, and paints of any blue or orange hue have been in high demand lately. A small port city that had been ransacked by undead just under two years ago is celebrating the conclusion of a long recovery by opening The Blingasaurus Flex Casino & Cheese Lounge. Story goes, anyone who attends during its first year of operation gets a tree thee-friddy - I mean, a free tree-fiddy.