
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

2023 View Awards Winners

Event Awards

Ashen Bounty X: Event with Outstanding Special Effects, Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Outstanding Feast Event, Outstanding Questing Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

KoSD Questing I: Event with Outstanding Special Effects, Outstanding Questing Event

Voraniss Questing II: Event with Outstanding Special Effects, Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Outstanding Questing Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

Voraniss Questing III: Event with Outstanding Special Effects,Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Outstanding Questing Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

Rhiassa Presents: Queen of Hearts XXVIII: Outstanding Tournament Event

Black & White 2023: Non-Feast Event with Outstanding Food, Outstanding One-Day Event

The Coronation of King Shandar: Event with Outstanding Props & Costumes, Event with Outstanding Night Quest, Non-Feast Event with Outstanding Food, Outstanding Feast Dishes - Corn - Daekara's Chicken, Outstanding Tournament Event, Outstanding Weekend Event

The Gilded Lion and Silver Branch Summer Festival II: Non-Feast Event with Outstanding Food

Rhiassa Presents: Feast of the Leviathan XXIV: Outstanding Feast Event, Outstanding Feast Dishes - - Prime Rib - Taco Bar, Outstanding One-Day Event

Feast of Chimeron 28: Hunt It! Kill It! Eat It!:  Outstanding Feast Event

Feast of Blackwood: Outstanding Feast Dish - Blackwood Meatballs

16th Annual Tournaments of Chaos: Outstanding Tournament Event

Voraniss Questing: 1.5: Outstanding One-Day Event: 

Publication Awards

Various Authors: Outstanding View from Valehaven Article - A Tribute to Conrad, Outstanding View from Valehaven Series - Fresh Faces

Dan Diamond: Outstanding View from Valehaven work of Poetry, Song, or Fiction - Banecroft Blue

Kyra Barry: Outstanding View from Valehaven Article - Jerry Pearce, Pawldo, 30 years of skin in the game, Outstanding View from Valehaven Series - Conspiracy Monthly

Brooke Gingras: Outstanding Realms Photograph - Archer on the Hill

Ryan Welch: Outstanding View from Valehaven Series - Rumors

Paul Tilton: Outstanding Realms Photograph - Castle from On High

Brianna Messier: Outstanding Realms Photograph - Flesh Golem

Hannah Boucher: Outstanding View from Valehaven work of Poetry, Song, or Fiction - Little Eddy Raincoat

Renee Booke: Outstanding View from Valehaven Article - Why I Want To Go: Voraniss Questing III - BBEG Edition, Outstanding View from Valehaven work of Poetry, Song, or Fiction - Song for Solarus

Sara Jessop: Outstanding Realms Photograph - The Champion Kneels

Player Awards

Conrad Barnes: Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character

Charlie Pottow: Outstanding Newbie

Ethan Goldman: Outstanding Bard

Derek Booke: Outstanding Craftsperson

Nataliya Kostenko: Outstanding Artist

Brookelyn Gingras: Outstanding Vendor, Outstanding Artist, Outstanding Photographer

Gregory Falconer: Outstanding Feastocrat, Outstanding Servant or Kitchen Staff

Ashenmark: Outstanding Group for Staffing and NPCing

Sara Jessop: Outstandingly Dressed, Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character

Josh Learned: Outstanding Combat Marshal, Outstanding Trainer, Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Grunt NPC

Eric Willisson: Outstanding Magic Marshal

Kelly Bonci: Outstanding Feastocrat

Voraniss: Outstanding Group for Staffing and NPCing

Adam Blaisdell: Outstanding Craftsperson, Outstandingly Dressed, Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character, Outstanding Roleplaying of a Single NPC Role - Sir Roman

Megan & Steve Matulewicz: Outstanding Vendor

Kelly Perfetto: Outstanding Newbie, Outstanding Roleplaying by a Player Character

Kyra Barry: Outstanding Newbie

Renee Booke: Outstanding Bard, Outstanding Magic Marshal, Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Roleplaying of Magic by a Spellcaster, Outstanding Roleplaying of a Single NPC Role - Dame Carrion

Mike Durocher: Outstanding Grunt NPC, Outstanding Combat Marshal

Ryan Welch: Outstanding Mentor, Outstanding Trainer

Lani Jones: Outstanding Feastocrat, Outstanding Servant or Kitchen Staff

Maryanne Betie: Outstanding Artist, Outstanding Vendor

Brianna Meisser: Outstanding Photographer

Maria Carr: Outstanding Craftsperson, Outstandingly Dressed, Outstanding Roleplaying of Magic by a Spellcaster

James Murphy: Outstanding Grunt NPC

Shane DeShone: Outstanding Roleplaying of a Single NPC Role - Todd the Goose

Invictus: Outstanding Group for Staffing and NPCing

Hannah Boucher: Outstanding Bard

Kersten Prince: Outstanding Photographer

Jerry Pearce: Outstanding Servant or Kitchen Staff

Tucker Noyes: Outstanding Combat Marshal, Outstanding Trainer

Derek Booke: Outstanding Mentor

Nate Carr: Outstanding Magic Marshal, Outstanding Roleplaying of Magic by a Spellcaster

Paragon Awards

Gregory Falconer: Outstanding Honor in Combat, Outstanding in Helping Eventholders

Ryan Welch: Outstanding Role Model

Renee Booke: Outstanding Role Model, Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Jason Rosa: Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Becky Baron: Outstanding in Helping Eventholders

Tucker Noyes: Outstanding Honor in Combat, Outstanding in Helping Eventholders, Outstanding Role Model

Josh Learned: Outstanding Honor in Combat, Outstanding Role Model, Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Derek Booke: Outstanding Contributions to the Realms

Craig Blais: Outstanding Honor in Combat

Patrick Bobell: Outstanding in Helping Eventholders