
Friday, January 26, 2024

Maker's Space with Justin “Grarr” Balanca-Hawkes!

Organized by: Justin "J'ortsa" Thibeault

Maker's Space is a new View series about interviewing the makers, crafters, and artificers of the Realms and sharing their creations with everyone! I know I take pride in my work so I know you all must as well. That being said, how often do you get to humbly (or not so humbly) brag about your creations, so this is your outlet! Tell me everything!!

1. What is your OOC name?

Justin Balanca-Hawkes

2. What is your character's name?*

Grarr Seawoods

3. What crafting mediums do you typically work in?

Leather and various shield mediums

4. What is your favorite medium to work with? Why is it your favorite?

Plywood for shield construction. It has a really classy look to it and takes paints and finishes really nicely.

5. What is the most challenging part of working with this medium for you? How did you overcome it?

Finding a plywood that is strong enough to be effective as a shield while being light enough to not be a burden while fighting. I overcame this by working out how to make a plywood and plastic laminate that has the look and feel of plywood while being reinforced by the plastic.

6. What is the piece you are most proud of? Why?

Currently I am most proud of 2 different shields that I put a good amount of time into. The first one was a commission to make the lightest shield that I could possibly make with custom art on the front. The second one is KFG which I am very honored that I was asked to make that item.

7. What is the piece you have done most recently that you are allowed to share? Tell us about it!

My most recent piece was a set of pauldrons that I made for myself that some people may have seen at this year's Feast of the Leviathan. They're a pair of black and tan stacked leather pauldrons made from veg tan leather sporting dragon scale tooling and dark brown antique.

8. What is the earliest piece you made? How long ago did you make it?

The earliest thing I made in the Realms was coincidentally a sled shield that was probably the single worst shield I've ever made, but it got me through my first event and a good few practices until I was able to make something better.

9. What medium do you wish to learn more about or have been interested in? 

So I already know a good amount about 3D printing as a tool, but I'm very interested in exploring it more in the context of our game for things like armor, props and similar uses.

10. What advice do you have for the rest of the community when it comes to crafting and making?

If you have an idea for something that you want to make just go for it! None of us started out making these awesome projects that you might see us making now. Also, most of us want to help you make your cool ideas too so don't be afraid to come and talk with us and ask us for advice!

11. What inspires you to do what you do? 

A lot of different things inspire me to make things. Most commonly I find myself making things that I see online, at events, or just in my head that I thought might look cool or that I think might be useful at an upcoming event.

12. Is there anything else you really wanna share with us? Any upcoming projects, etc.?

One of my goals for this year is to complete a full set of leather armor for myself so I'm sure there will be lots of small projects happening throughout the year for me that I'm looking forward to.