
Friday, January 5, 2024

Rumors for January 1024


New reports from Highmarket tell of woodsmen being attacked by animated flora within the nearby forest.  While dire plants are not an uncommon sight within the lands of Ashenmark, the rumors say that it was the forest itself lashing out against the forest-goers.  Even more concerning were sightings of strange blood red mushroom circles appearing in the morning, sparsely along the edge of the forest.  Those bold enough to investigate have claimed that they smell strongly of fetid meat.

After a gathering of commonfolk approached the shrine of Gaia just outside Highmarket, the local priest there agreed to venture into the forest to the forest’s heart tree to consult with the dryad of the wood about the strange happenings of late.  He did not return as expected the following day, and yet remains missing.


Trade has returned to Blackavar. Necessities from surrounding areas are being offered in markets, and orders have come in for straw, wood, and brick to rebuild local communities.

[Eagle’s Rook]

Eagle's Rook: It's being said that lines are being drawn, and rules of engagement are being officially set by all sides of the civil war in Eagle's Rook.  However, the Knight Commander is looking for an outside 'fourth party' to review before signing. They have since called out, looking for a 'rules lawyer'.