
Friday, February 23, 2024

A Deeper View of Jen: Keeping the Torch Lit

Written by: Dani “Elizah” Lacasse & contributions from various noted authors 

Edited by: Kieran/Kyra “Omri” Barry

Oftentimes it’s easy to consume content that’s placed in front of us without really thinking about all the behind the scenes work that has gone into creating the masterpieces. From brainstorming to execution, the amount of time and effort that goes into upkeeping a publication like the View is undeniable. Someone who would understand this best is someone like Jennifer DeNardis-Rosa who has played her character Dame Areni Stromgate in the Realms since 2004. 

Photo provided by Jason Rosa 

Now while we don't get to see Areni nearly enough at events, oftentimes Jen can be found contributing on the back end of events, from lead up prep, kitchen help, serving, and so much more. But, her dedication to the game goes far beyond the physical sphere. She joined the View of Valehaven team a decade ago in 2014, eagerly contributing to articles like our beloved “What you Missed” and the various titled versions of  “Questions of the Week” series, all while spearheading others like; “10 questions with an EH”, “Belts of the Eternal Flame” and “Views in the View” to name just a few. She steadily upheld this until the time came that the torch was passed off by former Editor in Chief Angie Gray 2014. 

“It can be easy to overlook Jennifer Rosa. She is soft spoken, thoughtful, and very polite all traits that can be associated with meekness. Working closely with her I learned that beneath the exterior is someone who works hard without a need for recognition, is incredibly ethical, and when necessary will dig in and stand up for her beliefs. 

Working with Jen was one of the things I missed most about working on the View. She was a great teammate who brought us staff Santa hats, made us laugh (if you haven't had a chance to interact  with her to see it she has a great sense of humor under that quiet exterior), and was often the person to notice and support others when they were feeling challenged, and make sure our successes were celebrated.” -Angela “Phoenix” Gray  

After taking on the Chief Editor position for the View in 2016, Jen has continued to be the silent force behind the publications ongoing success. Writing, creating and reaching out to others to partake, became second nature to her. Diligently working through the "dark years" without a fuss, Jen has continued to exhibit her impeccable work ethic and absolute commitment to our Realms community.

Truth be told, I see a lot of myself in Jen and one day, I can only hope to leave as great an impact on the community as she has. Her shoes are some big ones to fill, and I am honored to be part of the three who will step into those to ensure the torch continues to shine bright for those that will come after us. Jen, thank you for all that you have done and will continue to do, the torch is in good hands. 

And I'm not alone with my feelings about the legacy she's created for herself. When asking the community “How has the View positively impacted your time in the Realms?”, measuring how Jen has affected the Realms via this singular aspect, we got several responses.

Photo provided by Jason Rosa

Keith “Saegan” Cronyn

“People often see me as a sort of a quiet person, when in face to face meetings, and I think that the articles I put forth on the view over my tenure really enabled the community to see my personality a bit more, and understand my voice, rather than just a fighter.”

Lani "Gwen" Jones
"As a viewer, the content that the View from Valehaven provided me with a connection to other members of our community. I loved reading people’s interviews and getting to know more about them in and out of character. I also fondly remember advice articles and blasts from the past from community members who had a specific niche or story to tell. Once I was contributing, I frequently wrote “Why I Want to Go” pieces, and I really loved the opportunity to dig into event descriptions, talk to EHs, and highlight the diverse and wonderful nature of Realms event-holding.

Why I loved working with Jen:

Jen is one of the kindest and most dedicated people I know. She did such a great job of brainstorming new content ideas with the team regularly and she always made sure we had content planned so that the View could be a staple that the Realms community could count on daily. Jen put an incredible amount of thought into the view and its contributors. She always made sure that content contributors saw their work in a timely manner, and that diverse perspectives were represented in our articles. A lot of the things that make the View great are the behind-the-scenes attention to detail, and I think that the imprint that Jen left on this chapter of the View from Valehaven will have a lasting impact on the publication and the community."

Ethan “Jean Baptise” Goldman

“One of my first communications with the realms was through suggesting how the View could better link its articles. In many ways the view is the main avenue people figure out I do anything that isn't inherently comedic. Even though I just post cartoons.”

Kieran/Kyra “Omri” Barry

“I was asked to write my first piece for the View about why I wanted to go to “Tales of a Teatotaler”, an event my friends were throwing. I was honored to be asked, and it ended up being the first of many articles I’ve written for the View since then. The great thing about the view is that anyone can write for it. While I haven’t talked with Jen, seeing how consistent the View is, even through the ‘Quiet Years’, is amazing. And this has provided an outlet for me when I had to step back from writing responsibilities in other parts of my life, allowing me to keep doing what I love when I thought I would have to be done when I graduate.”

Pat "Saka" Bobell

“The View has been a fantastic way for me to learn more about people in the Realms and their creative endeavors. The various interview series, spotlights on writing, crafting, and photography, and Happenings on the Emerald Path have been outstanding for highlighting folks and the varied contributions we all make to the community.”

Nataliya “Shader” Kostenko

“The View is, much like Jen/Areni herself, what one might call a hidden gem–or an unsung hero–of the Realms community at large. It takes time, dedication, and a labor of overwhelming love to create engaging, community-oriented content week in and week out. And it’s not a flashy kind of labor either–it’s not leading an army onto the battlefield, delivering a dramatic speech, or even getting your name onto the EH list. It’s making sure people have something Realms-related to read as they sit down to breakfast. It’s sparking a lively discussion in the Realms discord server. It’s dropping the dankest of memes. It’s curating valuable information about our community–about our events and about one another. And I think it’s easy to undervalue that, to overlook how meaningful it really is. But in times of hardship–whether that be a huge, isolating pandemic or just a week during which you’re feeling down and disconnected–it’s something you can reliably turn to for an immediate sense of connection, community, and friendship. That’s who Jen is too, in my experience. Someone who always offers everyone–the newest newbie and the grouchiest oldbie–a kind, listening ear and an effortless sense of belonging.”

Ryan “Orion” Welch

“Jen has been a cornerstone of the community for many years. In my time working for her at the View, she supported me as I revived the monthly rumors and encouraged me to branch out into other writing topics, often pushing me to expand the boundaries of my knowledge and comfort.

Jen is also extremely persistent. Early on, she declared that the View would continue to publish a new article every weekday, even when we didn't have in-person events to write about. It was her "damn the torpedoes!" moment, and she challenged the whole team to come up with a lot of innovative content. And we did it!

I believe that the View would not have survived the dark times without Jen's leadership. Her vision has shaped the institution into what it is today.”

Dustin “Toah” Mack

“The View helps keep the game going between events, whether it’s just a weekday or winter. It gives players a way to share things they couldn’t easily at events, and event holders a way to promote and enhance their events. It’s a way for the game’s past to stay alive and recent events to be shared with those that couldn’t be there.

A few years ago Jen messaged me asking if I’d want to be an official photographer for The View. I had questions on the specifics and she helped me understand what would be expected. Once I accepted, she worked with me to make sure my posts were up to the standards of the site. She walked me through how to add pictures and answered all my questions along the way. Jen was definitely a huge help in enhancing my contributions to the Realms.”

Jason “Aeston” Rosa

“I’ve watched firsthand how Jen has grown and shaped the View over the greater part of a decade. When Angie Gray was ready to retire from being the Editor in Chief and pass it off to Jen, she had already distinguished herself as someone who gave her all to making the publication successful. In the following years I watched her gather and lead a dedicated staff, put countless hours into crafting articles and features, and just generally do her best to make sure her years as the new “boss lady” (as she used to call Angie) were worthy ones.

The View is a storied publication. It has spanned close to the entirety of the Realms’ existence, from a time when it was printed with dot matrix printers all the way to its current online form. It’s had many chief editors and countless contributors and I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that part of the soul of our community is nestled into its pages, whether they be paper or virtual. Jen, congratulations on joining a historic cast of emeritus editors that have made the View from Valehaven great. I love you.” 

Photo provided by Jason Rosa