
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Maker's Space with Sawyer “Jericho Axelthorne” Judkins

Organized by: Justin "J'ortsa" Thibeault

Makers Space is a new View series about interviewing the makers, crafters, and artificers of the Realms and sharing their creations with everyone! I know I take pride in my work so I know you all must as well. That being said, how often do you get to humbly (or not so humbly) brag about your creations, so this is your outlet! Tell me everything!!

1. What is your OOC name?

Sawyer Judkins

2. What is your character's name?

Jericho Axelthorne

3. What crafting mediums do you typically work in?

Leather and some light foamsmithing

4. What is your favorite medium to work with? Why is it your favorite?

Leather is my favorite. Something about the work I put into the projects, and step by step seeing it all come together is quite nice.

A hand holding a red helmet

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(Photo courtesy of Sawyer)

5. What is the most challenging part of working with this medium for you? How did you overcome it?

The most challenging part for me tends to be getting all the punched out holes to line up just right. I have started to be a little more precise with the marking of where to punch, and drawing the whole circle instead of just putting a dot. And next step would be to get an actual punch instead of the hand one I use.

6. What is the piece you are most proud of? Why?

The piece I am most proud of at this moment is the helmet I made for my daughter. Seeing her face light up as I handed it to her made the time put into it worth it.

7. What is the piece you have done most recently that you are allowed to share? Tell us about it!

The most recent piece is the helmet I just made for my daughter.

8. What is the earliest piece you made? How long ago did you make it?

The first leather project I made was a small headband and belt pouch as part of a Feast of Highbridge. The first thing I made on my own was probably a deck box for one of my MTG decks, which was about maybe four years ago?

A hand holding a red and black box

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(Photo courtesy of Sawyer)

9. What medium do you wish to learn more about or have been interested in? 

Foamsmithing for sure. Between the weapons and the beautiful pieces of armor or garb utility they can bring to the table of the game.

10. What advice do you have for the rest of the community when it comes to crafting and making?

Don't be afraid of making a mess and ask for help!

11. What inspires you to do what you do? 

At the moment, the satisfaction of knowing that I can wear things entirely of my own making. And eventually when I am ready, see other people in my work.

Two men in garment in the woods

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(Photo courtesy of Brookelyn Gingras via Facebook)

12. Is there anything else you really wanna share with us? Any upcoming projects, etc.?

I have been slowly planning out and designing a full armor overhaul for myself.