
Friday, March 15, 2024

Aeston's Cartography Corner Part 6 - Falling Into Place

Wow it's actually been a couple years since we've done one of these map updates! Time sure flies. Happily, however, I have some additions that I am very excited to share with all of you in our continuing quest to maintain this shared visual of our world.

Link to map on RealmsNET:

In the last couple months we've finally been able to make our largest single addition to the map to date, the Kingdom of Invictus, which, for those of you with a long historical perspective, will notice takes up the real estate that once was boasted by the Borderlands. 

Invictus has some pretty interesting geographic features worth a closer look. For example here is the capital area of the nation showing how the city of Invictus is set in the shadow of the majestic Cedar Mountain. Across The Acheron, perched upon its tranquil shores is the famous Alchimia Lupinaar.

In the eastern region of the kingdom lies the imposing and odoriferous Great Cinnabog, the largest known swamp in the Realms. Unable to support the infrastructure of roads, travel across this area is accomplished by boat through its many waterways.

There's lots more to see in this expansive nation so make sure you take a look at the link on RealmsNET. I want to extend a special thank you to Sara Jessop for being an important partner in helping me organize all of the information I needed to make this large edition to the Realms map.

Another significant change since our last big update includes the addition of the nation of Val Dara. This land was recently remapped thanks to the contributions of Briar Sieracki. Some historic landmarks that have made a real impact on our shared IC culture can be found in Val Dara, including the Calm Shores Tea House and the Onyx Tortoise Bathhouse.

Another noteworthy change is the removal of the historic nation of Ekembria, as that land has been subsumed by Ashenmark to which it was deeded some time ago. 

The Dark Isle, a plot-based land off the northern coastline has been detailed.

And lastly, the historic region of Caer Candra south of Folkestone has been detailed as well.

As usual, a plethora of smaller changes, corrections, and additions have been made across the lands as well.

With these latest additions almost all active nations and plot areas have been added to the map. There's always more to do, however, and I will keep working to make it complete but as always that endeavor requires your help.

If there are things you need added to the map it's as simple as sending me a message and letting me know. You can find me on discord on the Realms server or send me an email at

See you next time!

In service,

Jason "Aeston" Rosa