
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Why I Want To Go - Ghost of a CHANce: Fixing Chan

by: Brianna "Margaret" Meisser

In my home plane we have a coming of age ritual known as the trials. I can’t get into too many details here, as I hope that some of you may someday undergo these trials. But one of these trials deals with regrets. I took the trials when I was 15, and was confronted with the death of my good friend Chan. A decade before it would happen. I didn’t understand what it meant at the time, but my regrets over this day have followed me throughout the web of time and helped shape me into who I am today. 

But we all have regrets. Things we want to change. What makes this one any different? Maybe if my friend had been able to enjoy his death, in service to the Just god and Hope’s Daughter, things would be different. But that is not what happened. The manipulations from an enemy from afar, the wounds of betrayal, and my own desperation and incompetence worked together to create the perfect storm, a storm in which Chan lost everything and became the embodiment of an enemy whom he swore to defeat. 

So now we have my friend, whose death I severely regret, scattered to the wind. Pieces of himself torn between gods and planes and demons and nightmare. This is not how the story was supposed to end. So now I quest. To shatter the corruption within the heel of justice. To heal the wounds of betrayal. To defeat the enemy who I allowed to claw back from the dead. And maybe. Just maybe. To get back a friend in the process. 

I will see you on the other side of this,

Squire Margaret August, Lightbringer


DI2 was my first questing event and it changed the trajectory of my realms career forever. It is where I gained confidence in myself. Where I became a Page and learned what it means to be a true Auroran. And where my character lost a good friend. Time has passed, and I don’t expect things to be the same as they were. But if there’s something I can do to help my friend, who helped me to grow into myself, find their feet and enjoy this game we play together once more. I have to try. 

They have assembled an amazing plot team who has my greatest confidence, and I cannot wait to laugh and cry (lots of crying) with them this weekend. 

This is a capped event, and if you didn’t get a slot and still want to play realms, or just to hang out with friends, I highly suggest going to the Neden BBQ which is happening the same day. Their drinks sound divine. No matter where you end up this weekend, I wish you all happy questing and a great time.