
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Why I Want to Go - Rhiassa Presents: Echoes of Ragnarok: The Conclusion - Yggdrasill

 by Eric "Rosetta" Willisson


Rhiassa has been Presenting quests for many, many years, and they have always excelled in the areas of providing meaningful combat, challenges both physical and mental, excellent props and costumes, individual and group activities, and giving a clear sense of purpose. I look back on their What Lurks Beneath series with great fondness, and with Echoes of Ragnarok they have woven a tale of doom, prophecy, monsters, gods, and mortals, that has already made its mark on the Realms. This conclusion is a long time coming: in 2019 when we forged new gods, we knew that next year, "the heroes of the Realms would return to complete one final task that would forever ensure the world they left behind would prosper." Well, in a story about world-shaking events sending prophecies awry, perhaps we should have seen something like this coming. Now, in 2024, Rhiassa has rallied to use the extra time wisely, expanding the world through the collaborative game "The Quiet Year," and inviting us to show how we acquired dinosaur steeds to carry us over the lands.

Echoes of Ragnarok, in addition to showing Rhiassa's usual polish and willingness to experiment, has also had some of their largest forays into incorporating PC choices into their world. While we have never been powerless, it is striking to me how much at this conclusion event will be borne of our actions as much as of any plans for the story. I will personally be attending with an artifact I created with Squire Crispin on a dwarven forge some years ago. Part of the sense of new life in Norlund came from an effort by the faithful to resurrect Dio, a god of the Realms who was slain as part of the Dark Dissent series. The very existence of the land of Norlund as it currently stands was shaped by adventurers who sought an alternative beyond oblivion for its people. And, of course, the motif of dinosaurs spread all over the world tree came from the offer for us to design our own gods.

This last quest promises to venture over, under, and through Yggdrasill the world tree itself. I am so excited to see what the team at Rhiassa has put together and what they have in store for us.


For the past nine years, Rhiassa has been leading the way to Norlund, a plane beyond our own marked by ice and snow, mighty warriors, gods and giants, and a prophecy of end times. Unlike so many end times, they greeted theirs with open arms: it seemed that a destruction that would bring about renewal was central to their expectations. Almost a decade ago, we learned that their world had been scarred by Bedlam, as had so many others besides our own. Several key figures in their prophecy, including their own gods, had been consumed by Bedlam, and thus were unable to fulfill their roles. Heroes of Norlund came to us, not seeking our protection, but rather begging our aid in righting their world by setting it back on the path to Ragnarok.

We of the Realms have rarely been willing to take the obvious path. Over the years, we faced opportunistic giants, re-forged godly weapons, and forged bonds with the remaining people of Norlund. A decision was made that they should not be made to perish with their world, despite their apparent willingness. Instead, we found a way out, and a path to renew their world without total destruction.

Incredibly, this changing of fate has been accomplished, and new gods now watch over a changed land. We watched how the people regrouped and began to prosper over the quiet years, and came to terms with the challenges and opportunities in their new lands. We also saw how Yggdrasill, the World Tree that bound the planes together, took a destructive turn, thrashing and tearing through the newly-formed earth.

Now, at last, we have been summoned to return to Norlund, to help quell the chaos of Yggdrasill and stabilize the new Norlund once and for all. Some of us have tamed mighty steeds, terrible two-legged lizards under the patronage of the god Tychasaurus, to help travel the lands. It is time to finish our task and save the people of Norlund from the damage caused by Bedlam so long ago.

Join me at the roots of Yggdrasill!