
Friday, July 5, 2024

Rumors for July 1024

[Across the Realms]

A new religion has been gaining traction throughout the Realms, especially popular in poor and less fortunate areas. While their mysterious power over decay has been said to cure illnesses and make fields fertile, many still condemn the Apostles of the End as yet another Dark One cult. They claim to follow a different lord of decay and seek an end to suffering, but their dark attire and unnerving aura still illicits suspicion.


People affected by the sleepy sickness have begun to show they are cured. 

Those who were unable to wake up have done so, almost all at once. Many tell tales of dreams and nightmares, some tell of nothing but darkness and just the sounds of whispers. 

One person who recently woke tells the tale of a nightmare where a young boy, who cawed like a crow, murdered him again and again. 

Those affected by the opposite have finally begun to fall asleep; it is obviously a peaceful sleep of the exhausted. They awaken within a normal 8 hours saying they feel completely rested. 


The Dreaming is once again under the rule of one known as Dream. He is said to be the true ruler. Soul Taker was banished from The Dreaming but granted a plane of hell to rule.


After being unjustly imprisoned for a year, the Angel Danica was released and returned to Aurora’s bosom.


Those who pay attention to such things have noted widespread dreams of playing games with a child interwoven with the horrors of war. Some play red rover while families are separated by draft and evacuation. Others, hide and seek and cowering in the woods as monsters rove the land. Tic tac toe and battlefield chaos. Armwrestling and…the child doesn't want to play anymore, complaining of ghostly cheaters and god-eating spoilsports. Strange dreams indeed, and while theories run wild, nobody seems to know what they portend.


It is rumored that Baron Gautier's son is seeking a spouse in the neighboring lands. He travels with several companions and a large wheelhouse.


Over heard at Ascension of King Saegan: There is a theory going around that Chimeron is giving trees to all these nations as gifts but the trees have a nefarious purpose... And Pilpus is a plant.


Northwest: Travelers in Darkvale are complaining about a unit of mounted soldiers in blue and green colors blocking large sections of major roads overnight in order to "keep the King's peace".


Northeast: Foot and boat traffic along the Rowan has dramatically increased in both directions. The merchants who frequently trade on this route complain about messengers and small groups of soldiers rushing past the trade ships and caravans.


Chimeron is abuzz with activity and anxiety for the first major mustering of forces since the retaking of Darkvale. The mission is described variously as revenge, mercy, or even conquest, and each viewpoint can be heard with its supporters and detractors wherever people gather.


Roughly three fifths of the militia reserves have been mustered. Almost ten thousand will be standing in for much of the kingdom's professional military garrison, which has been commanded to prepare to lead the upcoming fight. Another twenty thousand or so are leaving their farms and trades to follow the Warlord's Second into battle. The remaining reserves remain with their homes and families at high alert, in case of attack at home or calls for reinforcement through the portal.

The target of the upcoming war is said to be a world that is alien, hostile, deadly, and godless. Some particularly fervent rank and file say they will bring the worship of Aurora, or Dionin, to the lands, though others scoff at the possibility.


The magnitude of supplies being shipped, along pathways which vanish into the caverns beneath the ground, has stressed Chimeron's production capabilities, but the fertile soil and regrown trees from the aftermath of the Bedlam War help keep it going.


Notices of Right of Way have been posted along major roads to inform locals and travelers alike that armies from Ashenmark, Voraniss, Stonewood, and potentially others will be moving peacefully en masse through Chimeron Proper in the coming weeks. A schedule of expected disruptions to regular traffic in affected locales has made it clear that obstructions to these movements will not be tolerated. While some have complained about the interruptions to their routines, many more are excited to see the foreign armies march through, as well as their coin.


It is said that someone in Creathorne can talk to rocks. It seems that this person can also maybe pick up boulders and toss them around like leaves.

[Eagle’s Rook]

After the coronation of King Saegan for the northern kingdom of Blackwood, the Fae are being blamed for the heatwave affecting the mortals and the water supply needs. The Fae claim it's not their side as they need water as well. Gutherevyn's army is unaffected.


Dionin worshipers are neutral about the gathering concerning the Gloomfather, but both the Fae of Avendroth and Eagle's Rook are taking precautions regarding the plane known as 'The Dreaming'.

[The Fae Wildes]

With the turning of the seasons, Litha celebrations abound. Bonfires and bursts of flowers other growth are so abundant in the realm of Faerie that even soft spots in the material Realms tend to be marked by a scent of wood-smoke or a stain of berry juice. Some say this year, summer is particularly in balance, moving in concert with the other seasons.


The war horns of Hell were heard over the weekend; it is said an invasion was planned, but was thwarted before the denizens could get their troops to the gates of… elsewhere.


A man named Charlie is said to be setting up shop in Ivory at the Church of Aurora and with Laika’s blessings. He is said to once have been the “luckiest man alive” but rumor has it his luck recently changed. He offers used maps and trinkets galore, all are welcome to strike a deal.


The border city of Starhaven is under heightened security, and has been having town hall meetings daily. They seem to be preparing for something.