
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why I Want to Go- The 6th Annual Tournaments of Chaos

The 6th Annual Tournaments of Chaos: Are you good enough to make the List???
September 23, 2011 (Friday 8pm) - September 25, 2011 (Sunday 4pm)

A whole lotta tourneys goin' on! 38 different tourneys on the list with more lined up if there is time for them. Of note is the fact that a lot of the tourneys will be included in the Order of the List rankings, so if you're close on points or just want to see some good fights this should be the place to be. One thing I like is that there are 5 subjective/role-playing awards to be given out at the event; I've always liked those and wish they were given out more often. Looks like there will also be some questing on Friday and Saturday night. And to top it all off there will be feast food as well. It looks like this event will have everything covered.