
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Why I Want to Go- Feast Of Folkestone XII

Feast of Folkestone XII: We'll Show YOU the Beef!
September 9, 2011 (Friday 6pm) - Spetember 10, 2011 (Saturday 1am)

Note: The author of this preview is a member of the event staff for this event.
One of the longest running feasts in the game, it always has good food and a good time. This year should have a lot going for it. There is a scheduled tourney to be had outdoors and it promises to be unique for both the participants and the spectators, especially since the spectators can change the fights. There will be in-character gambling on the fights, as well as the casino running inside. These might be some good ways to gather up some in-character cash just in time for the auction to be held later in the evening. The auction is always a good time, so bring the gold you've been squirreling away. There is no scheduled questing planned, but you never know what might show up.

The food looks to be varied and the event-holders have promised an abundance of food. I've seen the menu and it looks like there should be something for everyone on it. The cooks involved have been cooking for many years so it should all be tasty. With another event the next day on the same site, this is a good way to start the weekend.