
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Plot View - Lands of Kord

This series is where we take a look at one of the ongoing plots to be found within the Realms. This article is from one of the plot-holders and is a good basis for gaining some fundamental information about the plot.

The Lands of Kord:
Anyone may participate in any adventure taking place in Kord, but for the duration of their time in Kord, they will be temporarily polymorphed into one of the ‘native’ races of Kord.
There has only been one event in Kord so far, so people that want to be involved haven’t missed anything, really. So far, the players have discovered Kord, and interacted with some of their gods. The players have discovered that Kord has a problem – Kord is by itself in the universe, cut off from all other planes and places in the universe by a mysterious all encompassing Void. Some of the more aware scholars on Kord are trying to reunite the world with the rest of the Universe. They refer to this as rebuilding the Bridge of Eternity. Very little has been discovered about the land as of yet, most people barely getting their feet wet in the plot.