
Friday, October 28, 2011

The View From Vilehaven

Contract Negotiations Break Down
As Reported by I. S. Noop

Negotiations between the Monster Union #1624 and the Kingdoms of the Realms have broken down yet again.  Neither side seems willing to compromise.  Each side has three major points they are unwilling or claim to be unable to accommodate the other side on.
The Realms has demanded less feast disruption; they want a new limit of only two feasts per year.  Also on the table is the issue of special abilities that the monsters are capable of using.  The Realms wants at least 40% of attacking monsters to be effectible by any weapon type.  This would be an increase of 20%.  The third topic is the fact that the money monsters have been dropping has decreased instead of increasing over the last few years.  The Realms wants a larger drop rate on money to keep up with inflation.
The Monsters have counter offered with their own issues of contention.  The first demand is less ganging up on them in encounters.  They want a 4 hero to 1 monster ratio at maximum.  This would be a significant decrease from the usual 10 hero to 1 monster we’ve been seeing of late. 
The monsters have expressed a willingness to compromise on the issue of affectability, if the Realms is willing to use less armor.  The Realms countered with the fact that the monsters don’t actually have to wear armor to use it.
As for the money topic, the monsters claim they can’t drop what they don’t have.  They claim their solvency is spread too thin and they currently just don’t have the cash to drop.
This reporter doesn’t see an end to the crisis, but we will be watching this story closely.