
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The View From Vilehaven

Sir Callin in Rehab
As Reported by I. S. Noop

A spokesman for Folkestone has made a public announcement that Sir Callin will be entering a rehab facility to deal with a dependence on drugs.  He is scheduled to enter the Decion Clinic next Friday.
Speculation has begun to run rampant as to how long Callin has been addicted to drugs, but the spokesman has made the claim that Callin only has a slight dependence on painkillers.  It is claimed that he is going voluntarily and the stay is expected to be short.
Our reporter managed to contact Callin and got a few responses from the knight.  “You try wearing 50 pounds of armor everyday, not to mention carrying a shield and about six weapons all the time.  It begins to get to you.  I just started taking some painkillers to help out with the back pain.  That’s all, it’s no big deal.  Just leave me alone you bunch of hacks!” 
As this is Callin’s third trip into rehab, this reporter doubts true rehabilitation will occur, but we’ll keep you, the eager reader, posted.