
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why I Want To Go- Childrak's Secret Lair

Childrak's Secret Lab
February 18, 2012 (Saturday 12pm) - February 18, 2012 (Sunday 6pm)

[Disclaimer: The author of this post is also the eventholder for the event.]

It is the goal of the eventholder and his diligent staff that this event will provide some questing goodness for everyone. We have tried to include plenty of fighting and a lot of thinking. There may come times when the characters will have to make some moral choices. The event will be player driven as much as possible, with the event staff reacting to the actions of the players. In the end, it is our goal to try and provide an "old-school" dungeon crawl (without any crawling), with some surprises along the way. And a lot of fun!

For those players ready to go at the start time of 12 noon, there will be an in-character perk to be given out, so it is advised that you show up at the start time. However, if you can't be there right away, you will still be able to join the group as they traverse an old dungeon.