
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Untitled by Diana "Kiira" LaPierre

In this spot is where I’ll wake 
But first, a spade the ground will break
The shovel grabs another clump
Till down I go with a thump

Layer by layer, they build my tomb
But for me, it is a womb
They mourn for me, lost so young
A funeral hymn will be sung

Quietly, I lay inside
Now, to time I will abide
To the dirt I will succumb
A funeral beat they will drum

In this grave I sit and wait
But for them, it’s far too late
Not seeing that my corpse was riddled
A funeral tune will be fiddled

The day is shone upon my cross
The people weep for their loss
Now the funeral song is done
But my song has just begun

The sun has fallen from the sky
And so begins my lullaby
Awakening with such a thirst
My body lives, my soul is cursed         

I’ve broken through the wood and dirt
Hands show of pain but do not hurt
Can’t take in air, yet still I thrive
Never have I felt more alive

The smell of blood rings in the air
The sweet sound I follow, but to where?
Ah, it’s such a beauteous sight
A nourishing bosom, my first bite

A harmony the tune becomes
Her shrieks delightful to my drums
As our sounds combine to one
I know that I’ll not miss the sun

The lifeless husk falls to the ground
Curdling screams had drowned the sound
A chorus had begun to rise
Bent upon my gruesome demise

Circling from every angle
My exit they began to strangle
Three had fallen to my might
Encore! I cried as they grab me tight

Alas, my ballad ends bitter sweet
A stake, a chop, and a crossed street
Ensuring I was truly slain
To ever end my unholy reign

But that night I would never trade
For longer life or treasures paid
As a god among men I had been
Would that I could do it over again