
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

From the Newbie Grand Prix- Puzzles & Problem Solving

The following were the questions asked of those who competed in Puzzles & Problem Solving section of the first Newbie Grand Prix event at Feast of Creathorne.  The new player that won this section, Tarun Ul-Sikar from the Chimeron Militia, got seven correct answers.  Can you get all 9??  Post your answers in the comment section.  We'll add the correct answers there next week.

1.        Oft I must strive with wind and wave, Battle them both when under the sea I feel out the bottom, a foreign land. In lying still I am strong in the strife; If I fail in that they are stronger than I, And wrenching me loose, soon put me to rout. They wish to capture what I must keep. I can master them both if my grip holds out, If the rocks bring succor and lend support, Strength in the struggle. Ask me my name!

2.       Time was when I was weapon and warrior; Now the young hero hoods me with gold, and twisted silver. At times men kiss me. At times I speak and summon to battle Loyal companions. At times a courser, Bears me o'er marchland. At times a ship Bears me o'er the billows, brightly adorned. At times a fair maiden fills me with breath;
At times hard and headless I lie on the board, Bereft of beauty. At times I hang
Winsome on wall, richly embellished, Where revelers drink. At times a warrior
Bears me on a horse, a battle adornment, And I swallow, bright-shining, the breath from his bosom.  At times with my strains I summon the heroes, Proudly to wine. At times I win back
Spoil from the spoiler, with sounding voice, Put foemen to flight. Now ask what I'm called.

3.       Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.

4.       When I am filled I can point the way, When I am empty Nothing moves me, I have two skins
One without and one within. What be I?

5.       I have rivers without water, Forests without trees, Mountains without rocks Towns without houses.

6.       I turn my head and you may go where you want. I turn it again, you will stay till you rot.
I have no face, but I live or die by my crooked teeth Who am I?
7.       I begin eternity, And end space, At the end of time, And in every place, Last in life, Second to death, Never alone, Found in your breath, Contained by earth, Water or flame, My grandeur so awesome, Wind dare not tame, Not in your mind, Am in your dreams, Vacant to Kings, Present to Queens. What am I?

8.       I have many tongues but cannot taste By me, most things are turned to waste I crack and snap, yet I stay whole I may take the largest toll I assisted all of the first men And I will pay them back again Around me, people snuggle and sleep Yet run when I am released from my keep I jump around and leap and bound The cold man wishes I he had found

9.       There are 5 people standing in a row wearing 5 different colors: Blue, Green, Red, White and Grey.
Each is from a different country: Folkestone, Creathorne, Rhiassa, Eagles Rook and Chimeron.
These 5 each drink a certain beverage: Beer, Mead, Tea, Cider or Pina Coladas.
They also fights with a certain type of weapon: Bow, 5’, 6’6, 8’ or Sword/Shield.
Additionally, they also ride a certain type of steed: War Horse, Taurse, Lion, Unicorn or Pony.
No two people have the same stead, fight with the same weapon type or drink the same beverage.

Using the following clues, figure out who rides the Unicorn?

·         The person from Creathorne wears grey.
·         The Chimeronian rides a pony.
·         The person from Folkestone drinks cider.
·         The person in white is to the left of the person in green.
·         The person in white drinks pina coladas.
·         The person who uses a bow rides a war horse.
·         The person in red uses a sword/shield.
·         The person in the center drinks beer.
·         The person from Rhiassa is first.
·         The person with a 5’ is next to the one who rides a lion.
·         The person with a taurse is next to the one who fights sword/shield.
·         The person with a pike drinks tea.
·         The person from Eagles Rook uses a 6’6.
·         The person who uses a 5’ has a neighbor who drinks mead.
·         The person from Rhiassa is next to the person wearing blue.